PREDICTION 1: Beneath major mountains are large volumes of pooled salt water.47 (Recent discoveries support this prediction, first made in 1980. Salt water appears to be about 10 miles below the Tibetan Plateau, which is bounded on the south by the largest mountain range on earth.)48
PREDICTION 2: Salty water will be found within cracks in granite, 5-10 miles below the earth’s surface (where surface water should not be able to penetrate).
PREDICTION 3: The crystalline rock under Gibraltar, the Bosporus and Dardanelles, and the Golden Gate bridge will be found to be eroded into a V-shaped notch. (This prediction concerning the Bosporus and Dardanelles, first published in 1995, was confirmed in 1998.)57
PREDICTION 4: The Global Positioning System (GPS) measures plate velocities with ever increasing accuracy as data accumulates and equipment improves. Because the earth’s crust is shifting toward equilibrium, today’s plate velocities will be found to be very gradually decreasing.
PREDICTION 5: Fracture zones and axial and flank rifts will always be along lines of high magnetic intensity.
PREDICTION 6: The magnetic intensity above hydrothermal vents slowly increases because the rock below, fractured since the flood a few thousand years ago, is cooling.
PREDICTION 7: A 10-mile-thick granite layer (a hydroplate) will be found a mile or so under the western Pacific floor.
PREDICTION 8: Fossils of land animals, not just shallow-water plant fossils, will be found in and near trenches.
PREDICTION 9: Precise measurements of the center of the western Pacific floor will show it is rising relative to sea level and the center of the earth, because plates are still shifting.
PREDICTION 10: When greater precision is achieved in measuring the inner core’s rotational speed, it will be found to be slowing relative to the rest of the earth.
PREDICTION 11: A well-designed blind test will not support McDougall’s age sequences for seven Hawaiian volcanoes.
PREDICTION 12: Corings taken anywhere in the bottom of any large lake will not show laminations as thin, parallel, and extensive as the varves of the Green River formation, perhaps the best known of all varve deposits
PREDICTION 13: High concentrations of loess particles will be found in the bottom several hundred feet of most ice cores drilled in Antarctica and Greenland.
PREDICTION 14: Muck on Siberian plateaus should have a wide range of thicknesses. The greatest thickness will be in former valleys. Preflood hilltops will have the thinnest layers of muck. Drilling or seismic reflection techniques should confirm this.
PREDICTION 15: Rock ice will be found to be salty.141
Bubbles in rock ice will be found to contain less air and much more carbon dioxide than normally in ice bubbles formed today.
PREDICTION 17: Dirt and organic particles in rock ice will closely resemble those in the overlying muck.
PREDICTION 18: One should not find marine fossils, layered strata, oil, coal seams, or limestone directly beneath undisturbed rock ice or frozen mammoth carcasses.143
PREDICTION 19: Blind radiocarbon dating of different parts of the same mammoth will continue to give radiocarbon ages that differ by more than statistical variations would reasonably permit. [Page 87 describes blind testing.] Contamination by ground water will be most easily seen if the samples came from widely separated parts of the mammoth’s body with different water-absorbing characteristics.
PREDICTION 20: Soil in “erosion” channels on Mars will contain traces of soluble compounds, such as salt from Earth’s preflood subterranean chambers. Soil far from “erosion” channels will not. (This prediction was first published in April 2001. Salt was discovered on Mars in March 2004.72)
PREDICTION 21: The number of near-parabolic comets passing perihelion each decade will be found to be diminishing slightly. This effect will be seen as better telescopes, more searchers, and higher quality data allow adjustments to be made for our increasing ability to see comets.
PREDICTION 22: Some large, near-parabolic comets, as they fall toward the center of the solar system for the first time, will reveal moons acquired as the comets formed. Tidal effects may strip such moons from their comets as they pass the Sun. (A moon may have been found orbiting incoming comet Hale-Bopp.)76
PREDICTION 23: The equivalent of Jupiter’s mass is thinly distributed 40–600 AU from the Sun.
PREDICTION 24: Because the solar system should be slightly “heavier” than previously thought, some strange comet pairs listed in Table 15 are a single comet on successive orbital passes. More “strange pairs” will be found each decade. Probably the comet sightings of 1785 and 1898 were of the same comet. [See Table 15.] If so, it will return in about 2012.
PREDICTION 25: Excess heavy hydrogen will be found in salty water pockets five or more miles below the Earth’s surface.
PREDICTION 26: Spacecraft landing on a comet will find that comets, and therefore bodies bombarded by comets, such as Mars, contain loess (see page 185), traces of vegetation and bacteria, and about twice the salt concentration of our oceans.
PREDICTION 27: The Oort cloud will never be seen, because it does not exist.
PREDICTION 28: No incoming hyperbolic comet will ever be seen, because comets originated from Earth, not outside the solar system.
PREDICTION 29: Argon is concentrated in the outer few meters of a comet’s crust. Four percent of a comet, by mass, is chlorine and almost three percent is sodium, the other constituent of salt.
PREDICTION 30: Asteroids are rock piles, often with ice acting as a weak “glue” deep inside. Large rocks that began the capture process are nearer the centers of asteroids. Comets, which are primarily ice, have rocks in their cores.
PREDICTION 31: Individual rocks comprising asteroids will be found to be magnetized.
PREDICTION 32: Rocks in asteroids are typical of the Earth’s crust. Expensive efforts to mine asteroids27 to recover strategic or precious metals will be a waste of money.
PREDICTION 33: Ceres, the largest asteroid, will be found to have a very Earthlike spin.
PREDICTION 34: Most sediments taken from layered strata on Mars and returned to Earth will show that they were deposited through Mars’ atmosphere, not through water. (Under a microscope, water deposited grains have nicks and gouges, showing that they received many blows as they tumbled along stream bottoms. Sediments deposited through an atmosphere receive few nicks.)
PREDICTION 35: As has been discovered on the Moon and apparently on Mercury, frost will be found within asteroids and in permanently shadowed craters on Mars. All of this frost will be rich in heavy hydrogen. [See pages 215 and 224.]
PREDICTION 36: Bones or other organic remains that contain enough carbon and are believed by evolutionists to be older than 100,000 years will be shown to be relatively young in blind radiocarbon tests. This prediction, first published in the 6th Edition (1995), p. 157, has now been confirmed.11 (Blind tests are explained on page 87.)