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Christian Painters Beyond Kincaid2 min read

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KincaidYesterday, I visited the Big Valley Gallery in Modesto, CA, and had an interesting talk w/ the salesperson.  He is a 30-something art dealer and AOG evangelist, so we talked about xian painters and art.  We discussed how many xians have a low view of Thomas Kincaid, infamous "painter of light" (example at left).

I have to say, seeing his paintings in person in a gallery makes you appreciate his skill, despite any controversy over commercialism that may surround his reproductions.  But Joshua, the guy at the gallery, pointed me to some other xian painters which I thought were worth mentioning.

Courtyard_fountain James Coleman

This guy is interesting because he is a former Disney animator, so he has two separate lines of work – he sells paintings w/ Disney characters in them (which I find a little strange), as well as nature landscapes.  I can’t find anything particularly xian about his art, but I do find it very similar to Kincaid, but in some ways, less appealing.  But hey, he’s no slouch.

Tom Dubois

Promise Dubois’ art is overtly xian, and he is another great illustrator who did work for Disney.  His work, The Promise (left), took him a year to complete.  He visited zoos and did a lot of research in order to get the details needed for this painting of the rainbow after the Noahic flood.

Ron DiCianni

SimeonRon’s artwork is really incredible, like Simeon’s Moment (right).  What is interesting about Ron is that he also mixes religious art w/ political, as seen in the piece entitled Praying for Peace, where the spirits of George Washington and Abe Lincoln are praying for/with GWB.  Buy this for your favorite liberal for the "Seasons" next year. 


James Seward

Mother Seward also paints scenes from scripture.  We saw a print of This is My Body, and as "last supper" paintings go, I was very impressed – much better than DaVinci’s "everyone facing the camera" painting.  My Catholic-xian wife really appreciated his painting of Mother and Child.

You can see these and many more impressive artists at Somerset House.