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Environmental Baptists1 min read

File Under “Don’t All Christians/Baptists think alike” – Southern Baptist leaders find new “moral voice” on the environment and climate change.

The Evangelical community (even Southern Baptists) have differing views on a host of issues. Our blog here illustrates that fact to some degree. Even though many simply assume that danielg, Daddypundit and myself (all a part of, if I’m not mistaken, of a Southern Baptist affiliated congregation) agree on every issue, we don’t and that has been evident in the past on many issues (illegal immigration, embryonic stem cell research, John McCain, etc.)

The leading force behind the document was Jonathan Merritt, a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (where I will be attending in the fall). As a 25-year-old seminarian, Merritt was able to secure the signatures of national SBC leaders, including the current president of the convention. Now, it doesn’t hurt that his dad is a former convention president, but the drive and conviction of this man three years my junior inspires and convicts me.