The view from outside of the black liberation theology camp is that people are cheering Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jermiah Wright, because:
- It is easier to respond to racism and hate with one’s own brand of racism – rather than really following the high road shown by MLK Jr., it is much easier to give in to the impatient and selfish hate-for-hate rhetoric of those like Farrakhan and race-baiters like Wright.
- Many in the black community seem to like to choose such anti-heroes like Wright, because real heroes like Bill Cosby, Juan Williams, and Clarence Thomas ask people to forsake the victim mentality and blame shifting, and take responsibility for their lives.
- Wright is being championed for the same reason that some in the black community embraced O.J. Simpson – because he took on ‘the man,’ i.e.’whitey’, and got away with it. People who embrace a victim mentality choose heroes who will reinforce their perspective, and who will rejoice in rebellion against authority rather than in what is truly right.