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The People’s Cube Strikes Again…and again, and again1 min read

StimulusPackage_EconomyEnh_ I haven’t picked on President Obama lately, but my most favorite wickedly funny conservative site, The People’s Cube, has not been laying down on the job in order to get Federal monies. 

You gotta love, for example, a portion of the copy that attends the picture to the right:

Did you ever ask yourself is your economy big enough? Do you feel
insecure about the pork in your portfolio? Do you want to stop your Dow
Jones from shrinking at the most embarrassing moments? It is finally
possible with the only economy enlargement product that works. You can
become a lean, mean and fierce economy-stimulating machine in just
days! Satisfy your community’s dream of having a representative with a
massive Stimulus Package. Enhance, enlarge and upsize the economy
today! Stop settling for second best, get your huge bailout here!

Each image below links to a PC article with more funny images, and text for those of you who read.  Enjoy.







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