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INTERVIEW: Conditional Immortality with The Biblical Roots1 min read

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My friend Rob over at Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity asked if I could come on his show to talk about one of my bailiwicks, Conditional Immortality, which is one of three legitimate approaches to properly understanding what the Bible teaches about hell and the final judgment. As you may know, there are three possible views:

  • Eternal Torment (ET): This is the traditional doctrine of hellfire and brimstone, the majority view in Christianity.
  • Conditional Immortality (CI): This is the view I hold. It is sometimes referred to as Annihilationism, but proponents of the view prefer CI because annihilation is only one part of the overall doctrine, not the whole of it.
  • Universal Reconciliation (UR): In the previous century, those who held a Universalist position often had a low view of scripture. However, there are modern evangelical universalists who have a high view of scripture and support this view.

Enjoy my interview with Rob.