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GUIDE: Overview of Project 2025 – A Path to Smaller Government5 min read

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Project 2025 outlines several initiatives aimed at reshaping the federal government according to conservative principles. Project 2025 has therefore been a controversial topic, with initial criticism aimed at Donald Trump despite his limited involvement in its conception. The plan, developed by the Heritage Foundation, aims to reshape government operations significantly. Critics initially linked Trump to the initiative, but he recently suggested that he might adopt some of its proposals, indicating a shift in his stance. This irony serves as a reminder that, in politics, perceptions often shift as public figures navigate their narratives. 1

Here are the eight main initiatives in Project 2025. See if you can find which are “evil fascist” goals:

1. Placing Key Personnel (“Personnel is Policy”)

  • Direct Quote: “Personnel is policy, and it’s critical to have conservatives in key positions from Day One to ensure the right policy outcomes.” (p. 15 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Ensure conservative personnel in key positions for effective policy implementation.
  • Neutral Interpretation: A standard approach to align the federal workforce with the administration’s goals for efficient governance.
  • Critical Interpretation: Risks undermining civil service neutrality, leading to the purging of experienced nonpartisan officials.

2. Streamlining Executive Authority

  • Direct Quote: “The president must take immediate action to streamline agencies, reassign responsibilities, and remove redundant layers of bureaucracy.” (p. 17 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Enhance efficiency in government operations to facilitate the implementation of the administration’s agenda.
  • Neutral Interpretation: Aimed at reducing inefficiencies and improving service delivery within government agencies.
  • Critical Interpretation: Could weaken agency independence and lead to increased political interference.

3. Training Programs (Presidential Administration Academy)

  • Direct Quote: “The Presidential Administration Academy will prepare appointees and agency officials to implement the president’s agenda. (p. 21 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Train officials to align with conservative governance and policy execution.
  • Neutral Interpretation: A program designed to professionalize the workforce, ensuring appointees are prepared for their roles.
  • Critical Interpretation: Might result in indoctrination, prioritizing ideological loyalty over expertise and effective governance.

4. Reducing the Size of Government (“Deconstructing the Administrative State”)

  • Direct Quote: “The goal is to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, devolving powers back to the states where appropriate.” (p. 32 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Limit federal government influence and transfer responsibilities to state governments.
  • Neutral Interpretation: Reflects a commitment to limited government and decentralization of authority.
  • Critical Interpretation: Could undermine essential protections and create disparities in rights and services across states.

5. Revamping Regulatory Frameworks

  • Direct Quote: “We must reform regulatory processes to eliminate unnecessary burdens on businesses and promote economic growth.” (p. 45 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Streamline regulations to reduce what conservatives see as overreach and facilitate business operations.
  • Neutral Interpretation: Aiming to create a more favorable business environment by cutting red tape and encouraging economic development.
  • Critical Interpretation: Could lead to lax regulations that harm public health and safety, as well as the environment.

6. Strengthening Border Security and Immigration Policies

  • Direct Quote: “Our immigration policies must prioritize national security and uphold the rule of law.” (p. 55 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Emphasize stricter immigration controls and enhanced border security measures.
  • Neutral Interpretation: A response to concerns over illegal immigration and national security, aiming to enforce existing laws.
  • Critical Interpretation: May promote xenophobia and fail to consider the humanitarian aspects of immigration policy, potentially leading to injustices.

7. Promoting School Choice and Education Reform

  • Direct Quote: “Parents should have the right to choose where their children go to school, whether it be public, private, or charter.” (p. 78 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Expand educational options for families to improve educational outcomes through competition.
  • Neutral Interpretation: Aimed at empowering parents and encouraging educational diversity.
  • Critical Interpretation: Critics argue this could undermine public schools by diverting funding to private institutions, exacerbating inequalities in education.

8. Protecting Second Amendment Rights

  • Direct Quote: “We must vigorously defend the Second Amendment rights of all Americans against any attempts at infringement.” (p. 89 of 920)
  • Stated Objective: Reinforce and protect the right to bear arms, opposing gun control measures.
  • Neutral Interpretation: A commitment to uphold constitutional rights as understood by many conservatives.
  • Critical Interpretation: Critics express concern that this stance may hinder efforts to address gun violence and public safety.


Project 2025 covers a wide array of initiatives aimed at reshaping the federal government according to conservative ideals, including personnel policies, regulatory reforms, immigration, education, and more. While supporters view these changes as necessary for efficient governance and adherence to constitutional principles, critics express concerns about potential overreach, the erosion of public protections, and the impact on vulnerable populations.

For a full understanding, you can explore the document directly: Project 2025 document (920 page PDF!).

  1. Donald Trump Says Project 2025 Author ‘Coming on Board’ If Elected (newsweek)[]