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Providence and Donald Trump’s Rise6 min read

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Interpreting Donald Trump’s recent successes through the lens of God’s providence, particularly within the framework of a biblical worldview, requires sensitivity to both theological principles and the complexities of contemporary events. It involves applying the patterns and principles of divine providence to understand whether or how these events might reflect God’s involvement.

1. Sovereignty and Human Leadership

From a biblical perspective, God’s sovereignty extends to the appointment of leaders, even those who may not be traditionally viewed as moral or religious. This idea is supported by passages such as Daniel 2:21, which states that God “changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings.” In this light, Trump’s political successes—whether his initial election victory in 2016, his influence within the Republican Party, or his enduring popularity—might be seen by some as part of God’s providential governance, positioning him for a specific purpose in history.

2. Moral Ambiguity in Leadership

Throughout the Bible, God often uses leaders with notable flaws or controversial backgrounds to achieve His purposes. Figures like Cyrus the Great (Isaiah 45:1), a pagan king who helped Israel return from exile, or King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (Jeremiah 27:6), are examples of leaders whom God used despite their lack of traditional piety.

Interpreting Trump’s successes in this context might involve recognizing that, despite his controversies and moral failings, he could still be a tool for a divine purpose.

Those who hold to this interpretation may view Trump’s influence as part of God’s plan to address specific national or global issues, even if the full reasoning remains hidden in God’s “secret counsel” (as Calvin would phrase it).

3. Providence through Ordinary and Extraordinary Means

Trump’s political trajectory can be seen as a mixture of both ordinary and extraordinary events, and these may be interpreted by some as markers of divine involvement:

  • Ordinary Means: Trump’s use of media, social platforms, and political strategy could be viewed as God working through ordinary, human means. His ability to galvanize a large voter base and sustain political relevance might reflect providential favor through “ordinary” channels.
  • Extraordinary Means: If one views certain events, like Trump’s resilience through multiple impeachments, legal challenges, or scandals, as beyond what one might expect for a typical political leader, they could interpret this as an extraordinary sign of divine preservation. Some might see this as evidence of God’s providence, believing that Trump’s ability to “survive” such odds demonstrates a special form of protection or purpose.

4. Suffering and Testing

In a providential view, suffering and testing often accompany God’s chosen leaders. If one were to apply this to Trump, his legal challenges and media scrutiny could be seen as tests that strengthen him for a larger purpose. Some may interpret his continued political viability as evidence of divine endurance—paralleling biblical figures like Joseph or David, who faced immense trials before fulfilling their roles.

5. A Divisive Figure: Judgment or Redemption?

Some theologians might argue that Trump’s divisive presence and the polarization he creates could also serve a larger providential purpose, such as revealing the moral and spiritual condition of a nation. In the Bible, God sometimes uses controversial leaders to bring judgment, to catalyze repentance, or to expose the deeper issues within a society (see Judges 2:16-23).

In this interpretation, Trump’s influence might be viewed as God allowing certain social and political tensions to come to the forefront, either as a way of revealing hidden injustices or as a means to call the nation back to a moral or religious revival.

  • Judgment: Some may view Trump’s success as a form of judgment, where God is allowing a figure who challenges established norms and institutions in order to expose corruption or idolatry within a nation.
  • Redemption: Alternatively, others might interpret his role as a tool for redemption, seeing his leadership as a means through which God is restoring certain values (e.g., nationalism, traditional morality) that they believe align with a biblical vision of society.

6. Caution from Other Theological Perspectives

  • Open Theism: A theological framework like Open Theism might caution against seeing any individual success as a definitive sign of God’s providential approval. Instead, Open Theists would argue that while God works with human choices, He does not determine them in an exhaustive, meticulous way. From this perspective, Trump’s rise could be seen as a result of human free will, which God integrates into His larger purposes without necessarily endorsing every aspect of Trump’s actions or policies.
  • Arminian Views: Arminians, emphasizing human responsibility, might similarly argue that while God can use leaders like Trump for His purposes, not all of their actions are divinely ordained. This viewpoint could interpret Trump’s successes as part of God’s permissive will—allowing human choices to unfold while steering history toward His ultimate goals.

7. The Role of Christian Support

Many evangelical Christians and other religious groups have supported Trump, seeing him as a defender of religious liberty, pro-life policies, or traditional values. From their perspective, his success may be interpreted as God responding to the prayers and desires of His people (2 Chronicles 7:14). This could be seen as providence, where God raises up a leader in answer to the desires of a particular group, even if the leader’s personal life does not fully align with biblical standards.


Recognizing Donald Trump’s successes as part of God’s providence requires interpreting these events through the lens of biblical principles. While some may see his rise as evidence of God’s confidential support for a larger divine plan, others may interpret it as God working through flawed individuals or as a means of revealing deeper social issues. Whether one views Trump’s role as positive or negative, the biblical concept of providence allows for the possibility that God is using these events—whether through ordinary means or extraordinary trials—to achieve purposes that may only become clear in hindsight.

As with any political or historical figure, the ultimate meaning of Trump’s successes remains open to interpretation, and different theological perspectives offer various insights into how these patterns fit within God’s overarching plan.