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Global Billionaire Pedophile Rings are Probably Reality3 min read

It has been recently admitted that child and female sex trafficking make nearly equal money for the drug cartels as drug trafficking, around $13B. 1  In the interview video below, based on her book, Anneke Lucas recounts her experience being groomed and molested by an overt ring of billionaire politicians, starting at the 1972 Bilderberg Meeting in Belgium. It seems more and more likely that stories of pedophile networks in international politics and Hollywood, and nearly anywhere else rich men gather, there are well known pedophile circuits. It’s time to expose them. Epstein didn’t kill himself.

David Rockefeller

She mentions that David Rockefeller (1915-2017) was very powerful in the sex trafficking rings and a hardcore pedophile, and that Baron Edmond de Rothschild was part of the planning as well, though not a pedophile. She claims that there are a lot of victims of David Rockefeller’s pedophilia. If you watch the video, she did not want to confirm Rockefeller’s name, but it was so obvious that, after composing herself and realizing that this might put her life in danger, she confirmed that he was one of the chief pedophiles. I can’t imagine the risk that such an admission involves – heck, am I risking anything just repeating this? Probably not.

NOTE: I am not in any way suicidal. I would rather stick around to irritate the Devil and his minions by surviving.

She was 9 years old when they were grooming and selling her. And she was not alone. She discusses how she would try to find a soft spot in each abuser so that they don’t harm her. She looked for their weaknesses or the sexual perversions that they liked so as to win their favor.

Hans Harmsen

In addition, she claims that Rockefeller employed German psychologist Hans Harmsen to groom the children using mind control methods (torture). Harmsen would strangle her to the point of fainting if she did not respond properly. Notably, Harmsen was one of the founders of Planned Parenthood in Germany (Pro Familia) and was very active in Nazi era eugenics. 2 I mention this not to be engaged in a guilt-by-association fallacy, but to remind us that anti-child and anti-human ideologies do travel together.

The 1972 Bilderberg Meeting led to the creation of the Trilateral Commission, a group founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski to foster dialogue and cooperation between North America, Europe, and Japan.

It is likely that this and other international organizations are led by powerful rich pedophiles, who use blackmail and perversion to control their own members.

She talks of Satanic rituals, which some believed, and others just went along to be “in the group.” She says you will hardly find any accusations against these men, they invest a lot of money in covering their perversions. Other names of child abusers that abused her or that she saw include Eddy Arnold, Pierre Trudeau the Canadian Prime Minister’s father, and “other high profile celebrities you would not believe – icons.”

  1. Held for Ransom in Animal Pens, Migrants Face Mass Kidnappings as U.S. and Mexico Ramp Up Enforcement ([]
  2. Hans Harmsen, Sanger’s Racist Friend ([]