While some recent estimates of the gay population in America have come in as high as 1 in 10, a new report from the liberal…
This series was written in response to a comment about the “absurdities” of scripture. Evaluating God’s Righteousness, Part I – Underestimating Sin Evaluating God’s Righteousness,…
This series was a response to Brian McLaren’s Faith & Politics after the Religious Right. Faith and Politics in a Post-Falwell World – Part I…
This two part series is actually a synopsis of a fantastic article from the Resurgence site entitled On The Ethics of Controversy (PDF). The Ethics…
This series is a redux of a great exposition of Romans 1 by John MacArthur called A Nation Abandoned by God. The Wrath of God…
I was watching Truths that Transform this week, and during the social action part of the program, his organization and a spokesperson for Concerned Women…
Having grown weary of being called hateful for every conservative stance I take, I suddenly realized that liberals call their opposition on almost every issue…
While reading a recent critique of the new atheism, I came across the story of liberal Missouri, and this St. Louis Dispatch article from 1885.…
Dr. Frank Wright, President and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters, has provided a simple and straightforward, if not simplistic speech about how truth is…
One of the problems with the descriptors “fundamentalist” and “neofundamentalism” is that they carry different meanings among different groups. This causes confusion when such things are discussed. …
Losing a loved one is a painful event. But we also don’t want to lose the clear memory of who they were. There are a…
There are a mix of noble and ignoble reasons why conservatives oppose the global warming initiatives. Of course, the ignoble one is that many are…
One of the points at which I disgree with my fellow conservatives is on the "point of personhood" of an embryo. While the standard evangelical…
American Vision, one of my favorite home-schooling, Christian world view sites, has a good summary of why institutional atheism leads to a type of theocratic…
Yesterday I had lunch with NeoFundamentalist, who is actually a pastor here in my area. We talked about the history of fundamentalism and evangelicalism, modernism,…
I’m sure I’m sounding like a broken record, but as long as I get significant feedback and engagement on this issue, I will address it,…
The following posts make up this series: Part I: The Tripartite Makeup of Man – Introduction The Tripartite Man – Spirit and Soul The Tripartite…
The following articles are in this series: The Wesleyan Quadrangle I – Introduction The Wesleyan Quadrangle II – Scripture and Tradition The Wesleyan Quadrangle III…
Remember the The Blasphemy Challenge, sponsored by The Rational Response Squad, who were giving away 1001 copies of the movie The God Who Wasn’t There…
Leon Kass, former chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics from 2002-2005, has a nice lecture on the University Channel Podcast. He is also the author…
Many evolutionary supporters claim that anyone who doubts evolution as a theory of origins is really daft or religiously driven. One defense they often resort…
Atheists and secularists love to trot out the canard that religion has harmed more people than it has helped, and has been at the root…
Essayist Fjordman has written another whopper of a post over at Dhimmi Watch entitled Why the European Union Must be Dismantled. It’s a little long,…
I am working hard at getting back into the regular habit of prayer and scripture meditation/study. With two young kids and two hours of commuting…