One of the great and tragic myths of our time is the materialist view that faith hinders science, and has largely opposed it in the…
The gay lobby loves to use the accusation of “hate” when they are opposed by those who believe homosexuality to be morally wrong. And while…
I was reading up on one of my favorite subjects, reparative therapy of homosexuality, when I came across a decent introductory article on the subject…
Stand to Reason has an interesting post on the liberal canard of “imposing your views.” Much legislation is moral/ethical in nature, and as with all…
There are the basic world view questions: 1. Origins: Where did life and humanity originate? 2. The Problem: Why is there suffering, sickness, and death?…
There are three ways to reform bad religion. These methods of reform may be described as modernization, restoration, and liberalization. Modernization, in a religious context,…
Once upon a time there were three Buddhist monks who lived in a monastery. Each day, the monks would walk along a lengthy path to…
Robert over at is asking about creating and supporting community within churches. He has mentioned funtionality similar to, as well as making other…
What signifies a healthy church? Is it a building? Or the number of people who attend on Sunday morning? Or the number of activities the…
Scripture instructs us parents not to provoke our children to anger: Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring…
Isaiah’s Story from 31Films on Vimeo.
If a man asks you this question, beware! He is most likely just looking for an argument. In fact, a question like this is just…
A friend of mine told me today that the thing that really bugs him about religious people is that they never want to critically evaluate…
This post is part of a series. In Part 2, I covered the spiritual function of Intuition. In this installment, I cover the second of the…
This post is part of a series. John Calvin coined the phrase Sensus Divinitatis (Sense of the Divine) to describe the innate sense and awareness of…
This post is part of a series. Many great Christians in history, such as Andrew Murray and Watchman Nee, have emphasized that the bible teaches…
I love the Church – but I don’t love how we ‘do church’ on Sundays. An hour of passive listening, often followed by everyone going their…
This post is part of a series on Can we be good without God? In Part I introduced and gave an overview of the question under…
The first approach one should take to treating depression is that of treating physical causes. By addressing these, you can eliminate them as causes and…
While the scriptures are clear on the morality of some issues, on the more mundane issues, it is largely silent, and it is up to…
This famous quote comes from Martin Luther the reformer. Interestingly, infidels have long used this quote out of context to show that religion and Christianity…
Today, the Progressive Association of Not So Intimidating EvangelicalS (PANSIES) announced that they have rejected the authority of the scriptures in which Jesus uses offensive…
This post is part of a series on Can we be good without God? I just finished listening to a somewhat frustrating debate between atheist…
In light of the whole Times Square Mosque, I thought to remind us that perhaps we need another kind of memorial – like the heads…