In the six part interchange between Tim Challies the Christian and Luke the atheist, it looks like Tim took a different approach than me, which…
Luke over at Common Sense Atheism is engaging in a letter exchange with Tim Challies which should be really great. I am not Tim Challies,…
Here is my sermon from 12/06/09 entitled At the Bottom. Based on Mark 12:41-44, it covers these main points. Turn towards God, not away Do…
You either love or hate ‘Chick Tracts’ – this documentary is interesting. Imagine this – over 1 Billion of these have been printed, in over…
The problem with humanists is that they throw out the baby with the bathwater. They call it ‘humility’ to suspend judgment, yet they judge others…
In Why do some Christians become atheists?, I discussed five reasons why some Christians may have abandoned faith to become atheists – some noble reasons,…
I don’t often curse, especially in print, but can I just say that the current administration’s health care and climate plans are the height of…
A joke from the conservative spamosphere… ———————————————— George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a…
I just discovered (via the Secular Nation podcast, one of the many atheist/anti-theist/secularist podcasts I follow) Margaret Downey’s answer to the Christmas Tree, the Tree…
One of the most annoying voices on conservative talk radio is Mark Levin, author of the bestselling Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto. However, it’s…
Courtesy of Faith 2 Action. 1. Government Health Care Takeover. The Senate debate of health care is now underway. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants…
The Christian Muslim Forum, an interfaith group, has released what it calls Ethical Guidelines for Christian and Muslim Witness in Britain (PDF). Interestingly, some more…
Today, a coalition of leaders from the three major branches of Christianity – Evangelical (Protestant), Catholic, and Orthodox, approved and released The Manhattan Declaration. This…
I couldn’t think of a good title for this great illustration, found on iMaksim’s blog. So I went obnoxious – but also, it turns out…
Atheists and secularists are fond of quoting the articulate Thomas Paine, author of the free-thinkers creed Age of Reason. Few know, however, that a founding…
A video describing a first-trimester abortion — produced by Priests for Life and published on YouTube, is getting a lot of deserved attention. They show…
What is it in us that likes to poke at the monkey in the cage? Insecurity, playfulness, original sin? The monkey I love to torment…
Here’s my review of the phone so far. For CONS that have a workaround, I inserted a *. I’ll cover them in a future post…
This series contains the following articles: Analyzing the 6 C’s of Atheism – Part I Analyzing the 6 C’s of Atheism – Part II Analyzing…
Q: What’s the main problem with Barack Obama jokes? A: His followers don’t think they’re funny, and everyone else knows they’re not jokes. Q: What’s…
I am exploring the mystery of why people leave faith for my upcoming book, and am also doing some great research by reading the following:…
The video below is interesting, though a little hard core for me – it both appeals and repulses. But I like this quote: All true…