Perhaps conservatives have gone too far already in their criticism of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. Here is what Newt Gingrich said about her: I…
Two stories that broke today set the Twitterworld afire. Each of them taken individually was sufficient enough to dampen the brightness of even Hollywood's plastic…
Last night 24 ended season 7 begging the question – do the ends justify the means? Jack Bauer's edged closer to death not regretting any…
Ross Douthat, of The Atlantic and soon to be of The New York Times, discusses the charge of hypocrisy at pro-lifers in the ESCR debate.
As a conservative with federalist tendencies, I tend to appreciate and applaud the sentiment of those engaging in “tea parties,” especially on yesterday on “tax…
The Center for Science and Culture, the primary Intelligent Design think tank, has published a fantastic article cataloging the latest chaos of the phyolgenetic trees,…
Over at HonestUncertainity, there is a challenge of sorts to demonstrate why you believe (or do not believe) in the literal resurrection of Jesus. (Perhaps,…
HT: Psychoteddy
Okay, you're a headline writer and someone plops down a funny story about a White House aide giving out the wrong phone number for a…
I don't watch Glenn Beck and I really don't care too much about this, but recently in a discussion here Glenn Beck was brought up…
The issue of abortion has long been one of the most contentious policy discussions in our nation, but perhaps gay marriage will (or already has)…
French physicist and philosopher of science Bernard d’Espagnat recently was awarded the Templeton Prize, the largest annual prize in the world, which seeks to reconcile…
I know this is a dead horse, but honestly is the irony not dripping from this statement at the Yahoo Newsroom blog, after President Obama…
Charles Krauthammer ripped Obama for his speech and executive order completely removing the restrictions which Bush had placed on embryonic stem cell research. He called…
I'm ripping off ESPN's headline because it's hilarious. Here is the video of President Obama laying out his NCAA tournament brackets.
Recently around the world, scores of people gathered together to celebrate the birthday of a man, whom they revere. The organizers called it a “global…
Today on Forum with Michael Krasney (NPR), the author of Society without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us About Contentment was interviewed.…
Thug (no other word to describe them) supporters of the Syrian Nazi party attacked Christopher Hitchens and some other Western journalists. Thankfully, they were able…
This meme has gone viral on facebook! Here’s mine. Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts,…
There is a simple solution to the current political showdown in Washington over the stimulus bill – pass Obama's stimulus plan. Pres. Obama campaigned and…
This post is part of a series In Part 1 of this series, I examined Pascal’s wager as a risk calculation exercise. In Part 2, I…
In this series, I explore the possibilities of eliminating pretender Gods, and trying to find likely ones to have faith in. Pascal’s Wager 1: Why apatheism…
I just finished listening to this excellent lecture by Dr. Paul Vitz, a professor of psychology at NYU, and author of Faith of the Fatherless. …
Population experts such as Paul R. Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus have long contended that humans are heading for mass starvation due to overpopulation. They have…