We have, but we feel uneasy about it, and we are not alone in evangelicalism. Check out the excerpts below. Of note is the last…
Chris Hedges’ book American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America also takes moderates to task. Taking a page out of Sam Harris’…
Today, thanks to Shire Network News, I found Stuck Mojo, an up and coming metal/rap band that takes up anti-Islam sentiments in a major way. …
Two men integral to creating the Reagan approach to defeating Communism are now formally making plans to dismantle Islamofascism. Jack Wheeler, a strategist credited with…
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto…
I thought this article at the Huffington Post was worth reading. I have listed his main points below. If you want to read the commentary…
One of my favorite shows, PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, had a nice piece on the New Atheists, who seem to be getting a lot…
Sam Harris, anti-religionist atheist, published a list of ten myths about atheism – and many atheists point to these as straw men that Christians use…
Evolutionists constantly try to disavow the logical link between Darwinism and social Darwinism, but no matter how they try to divorce themselves from it, even…
As I have claimed previously, Darwinism contributes nearly nothing to medical science (and most practical science in general), except maybe an errant world view and…
In their ongoing ministry of condemnation discernment, Slice is railing against Christians who recommend seeing The Nativity Story (which BTW, isn’t getting great reviews –…
One of my new favorite authors is agnostic sociologist Rodney Stark. While he has Catholic sympathies, he is not above letting them have it in…
I greatly enjoyed the post The Atheism Delusion: The Destructive Power of Materialist Indoctrination, because this scientist’s experience with being awakened from the “evolution is…
The New Scientist discusses what scientists are learning from 500 million year old embryos, and lo and behold, it matches what creationists would predict –…
Much has been made of late of the “N” word in black circles, and in the news. For years, accomplished blacks have become pariahs in…
My second favorite kind of sci-fi movie is the time-travel / time-paradox movie, and Denzel Washington’s latest Deja Vu is a pretty good addition to…
In Fiscal Policy Lessons from Europe, the Heritage Foundation has produced a nice report that warns, if we don’t learn from the failing European welfare…
Ben Stein has written an interesting article in the NYT called In Class Warfare, Guess Which Class Is Winning. In it, he argues, based solely…
To many, serving an invisible God that only answers in subjective, non-verifiable ways, is pure superstition at best. And while I understand this line of…
After subscribing to a free copy of the weekly arch-conservative rag, Human Events, I decided not to actually pay for the thing (if I read…
A recent comment here suggested that the typical Evangelical family is like the one described in My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists. Thankfully, this…
There are plenty of books out there declaring the US to be a "Christian nation," and rebuttals. But for fun, I wanted to publish some…
Many of my liberal friends expected me to be depressed about the election results, but aside from the awful fact that California did NOT pass…
I just received a catalog from Vision Forum, and they have an incredible array of books that you might use for home schooling and self-education…