I was reading Wm. Dembski’s discussion of nyolase, and why it is not an example of evolution, but of adaptation, or more specifically, “natural genetic…
Today, I found two more pieces of scientific data that cause me to continue to doubt evolution as a believable mechanism for origins. The first…
Thanks to mynym, I have added a new book to my amazon wishlist – The Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of…
Over at the Pandering Thumb, I’ve been in discussion with the rabid anti-creationists, discussing the merits of Intelligent Design (ID). Let me tell you, it’s…
Ever been in one of those arguments where a creationist argues “evolution is against the law of entropy”, to which an evolutionist often replies “in…
My local liberal rag (SF Chronicle) has a nice article about how we treat scientists as our modern priests, entitled The unholy lust of scientists.…
I remember reading an article about societal reformation, and the clear process of how nations descend into totalitarianism. The underlying principle below is that there…
Young earth creationists propose that their model is in keeping with the following observances: The Earth’s Decaying Magnetic Field – In the 1970s, the creationist…
Today I had lunch with a group I have organized at work, called the Ideological Lunch Club. We meet every other week for lunch, and…
One of my favorite podcasts is from slate.com. While most of the Intelligent Design pieces are anti-ID and anti-creationism, the radio piece Evolution and Religion:…
Answers in Genesis has a nice post today called Evolution and Medicine. The author makes some very nice points, though the article is too superficial…
Just when I think I’m pretty smart, I go to the evangelical outpost and read one of Joe’s postings, like this three part series on…
I grew up on video games and although my current work and home situation does not allow me much time to play, I still enjoy…
My last post addressed the media bascially ignoring horrible racist statements by a black professor (Michelle Malkin has links to the video). I failed to…
The Swedish Supreme Court is about to hear the case of Ake Green, a pastor who was previously convicted, then acquitted of hate speech under…
As I mentioned in my previous post, Opal Formation – An Example of “Creationist” Research, anti-creationists can not get past the name “Creation Science” because…
Bill Bennett said aborting every black would reduce the crime rate, but it was "impossibly ridiculous and morally reprehensible." This caused a media firestorm chastizing…
Nancy Pearcey, author of the award-winning book Total Truth (and one of my favorite writers) has started her own blog with her husband Richard called…
In the Washington Post yesterday, liberal columnist Richard Cohen wrote a very interesting article entitled Support Choice, Not Roe. He admits what pro-lifers have been…
Instead of doing several different posts on all these interesting stories, I figured I would give you one big, exciting link explosion.
As a former biochemist (I’m in computers now), I totally identified with Geoff Down’s story of how he became a creationist (from the book In…
A few weeks ago I received a sample in the mail of a new Bible called the Outdoor Bible. When I first heard about this…
With the release of a letter by al-Zawahri, al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader, new questions should be asked of those advocating an immediate pull-out from Iraq.…
New research by an avian evolutionist and paleobiologist suggests that the long held belief that birds evolved from dinosaurs is false.