William Lane Craig, who usually sticks to apologetics and debates (he is arguably the best living Christian apologist and philosopher),…
So, I watched the trailer for Tron Legacy, and am really excited about it. However, in watching the original (watching…
As per a news release at PFOX: The Superior Court of the District of Columbia has ruled that former homosexuals…
Ted Kennedy was passionate about the things he believed. I did not agree with him on virtually any issue, but…
Islam is not just another faith system – it is an evil ideology with murder and the Father of Murder…
Who wrote the first English statement declaring that the king or any governmental leader had no authority over the religious…
What can you do to bring 'real men' into the fold? Well Pilgrim, how about John Wayne Bible studies. The…
Might as well start numbering them!
In 1961, Ronald Reagan joined the American Medical Association in opposing the Democratic Party's attempt to force socialized medicine on…
American Vision offers this excellent 30 page PDF entitled America’s 200-Year-War With Islamic Terrorism (PDF). In it, author Gary DeMar…
This sermon, delivered over the July 4th weekend, covers a portion of John 10, explaining the different characters in Jesus’…
The Obama presidency is historic, for many reasons. However, I think that his legacy may be more negative than positive. …
Jesus had a major smackdown with the Pharisees, in which they exchange insults. It escalates to a point where Jesus…
The world that fails? Government programs. Obama was not mistaken when he compared the quality of private services (FedEx) and…
Courtesy of iOwnTheWorld.com (HT: cubedweller)
There’s a ton out there. Here are my favorites so far: Bible Study biblegateway.com – this site I use quite…
Thankfully, our Constitution has recognized the right of individual citizens to bear arms. Many states allow residents to carry handguns…
Here's an Obama spam making its rounds among us neocons. It reminds me of A lesson in economics using beer.…
I have (and will) criticize liberals for being inconsistent in their application of certain political rules (No astroturfing. No Hitler…
Theories are nice. Discussing hypothetical situations can be beneficial and have real world results. However, one can be in favor…
In 5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform, Fortune editor Shawn Tully contributes his opinion to the ongoing special…
Gateways to Better Education, a “national organization dedicated to helping public schools teach Judeo-Christian history, thought, and values” is sponsoring…
The Bible says that true spirituality involves caring for orphans and widows. But how much do we actually take this…
I don't have time to back all of these claims up with data. I'll leave it up to you to…