“Your book is, in my opinion, so contemptible and worthless that I feel great pity for you for having defiled your beautiful and skilled manner…
In What I Like About Rick Warren, New City Press has really done a nice job of reconsidering the overly negative, critical approach that many…
One of the main biblical arguments for the existence of God is the amazing beauty, complexity, and integration of the created, living world. As the…
From my hermeneuticsHermeneutics (/ˌhɜːrməˈnjuːtɪks/) is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, as well as philosophical texts. It…
I often get asked by angry gay advocates why conservatives and Christians are so interested in resisting the gay legal agenda, which most gays think…
D. James Kennedy died today at age 76, and what a significant and great evangelical leader he was. Among his latest and greatest contributions, beyond…
CT has a nice article entitled Reductionist Justice, in which the author discusses the error of Job’s friends, which was to reduce all suffering to…
In Part I, I discussed how rules and regulations are often a false faith, one based on outward observances rather than inward faith. This time,…
One theologically liberal blog I read recently listed the sins of the modern church, and I thought the list was worth discussing from an evangelical…
This series contains the following posts: The Sins of the Church I – Rules and regulations The Sins of the Church II – Creeds, doctrines,…
Here’s the latest internet schmaltz that I thought worth publishing. But the message is worthy – God wants us to be happy, even if sourpusses…
Al Mohler, in his most recent post, Heresy Precedes Homosexuality, discusses openly gay Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson, and why he is the poster child for…
ATP has a nice article entitled For the Love of God, in which he bemoans the modern simplistic view of “God is love” – it…
In Part I of this series, we learned some general things about the call of God based on the call of Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1. …
Creationists have long contended that not only did humans NOT evolve from apes or chimps, but that fossils exist which severely challenge the evolutionary timeline. …
This is the first in a series of sermons I am delivering on Finding God’s Call. In this part, I use the call of Jeremiah…
My life has been so busy for the last few years, getting married and having kids, trying to start graduate school while working full time,…
Tim Challies has a nice review of the venerable Alister McGrath‘s new book, The Dawkins Delusion? McGrath, Professor of Historical Theology at the University of…
Today, I was reading Truth Matters, an out-of-print collection of some of John MacArthur’s best writings from 1969 to 2004. One interesting chapter dealt with…
This series is made up of audio sermons on the subject of Finding God’s Call, including: Finding God’s Call I – If you are SAVED,…
Self-proclaimed agnostic Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, discusses interesting issues on his personal blog. In the past, he has taken on atheism,…
Richard Dawkins, militant atheist and author of The God Delusion, has begun a new campaign intended to embolden anti-religionist atheists everywhere. Taking a cue from…
It’s not just Christians pushing for modesty as a virtue that young and old should practice. Twenty-something Jewish author Wendy Shalit has just released her…
Darwinists hate the common association of their pet theory with eugenics, not to mention it’s role in giving scientific validation to Nazi eugenics. But the historical connections…