Last year, after seeing Jonny Lang on his last tour, I commented that he seemed very Christian in his comments and encore songs. His latest…
We have, but we feel uneasy about it, and we are not alone in evangelicalism. Check out the excerpts below. Of note is the last…
Chris Hedges’ book American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America also takes moderates to task. Taking a page out of Sam Harris’…
Today, thanks to Shire Network News, I found Stuck Mojo, an up and coming metal/rap band that takes up anti-Islam sentiments in a major way. …
Two men integral to creating the Reagan approach to defeating Communism are now formally making plans to dismantle Islamofascism. Jack Wheeler, a strategist credited with…
As I mentioned in GATTACA Comes to Life, we are already using pre-natal genetic screening to select specific embryos during in-vitro fertilization, as well as…
Many Christians will be attending the upcoming inspirational film Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce and abolition in Britain. The subplot involves John Netwon,…
It’s funny how both the extreme right and left in American politics like to throw the “F” word around when describing one another. The real…
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto…
I am not a philosopher or a scientist, but a writer and thinker at best. There are many arguments that skeptics make which are challenging…
NPR had an interesting story on the growing trend of companies hiring "workplace chaplains." Benefits? Lower employee turnover Elimination of employee assistance hotlines (people prefer…
I thought this article at the Huffington Post was worth reading. I have listed his main points below. If you want to read the commentary…
The Christian Science Monitor has a story on the elements of a growing church.
One of my favorite shows, PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, had a nice piece on the New Atheists, who seem to be getting a lot…
Joe Carter looks at a breakthrough in stem cell research.
I found out today that one of my "favorite" neo-fundy whipping boys, Slice of Laodecia, has closed it’s doors. I must say, in one sense,…
Well, I am tired of working in IT, and am looking forward to a new career as a Pastor in the future, that is, after… has put together the Top Ten Junk Science Moments for 2006. Here’s a sample.
As someone who has recovered (mostly ;) from a spiritually controlling Christian organization, I know what it is like to become a judgmental legalist, and…
At the behest of our faithful and civil commenter Cineaste, I listened to a highly enjoyable Radiolabs show on morality, and wanted to comment on…
The following posts make up this series: Re-imaging the Christian Church – Intro Re-imaging the Christian Church I – What’s wrong with church? Re-imaging the…
The following posts make up this series: Five Responses to Islamofascism I – rejection of all revealed faiths Five Responses to Islamofascism II – rejection…
Sam Harris, anti-religionist atheist, published a list of ten myths about atheism – and many atheists point to these as straw men that Christians use…
Evolutionists constantly try to disavow the logical link between Darwinism and social Darwinism, but no matter how they try to divorce themselves from it, even…