OK, I am learning to hate these, but of course, I love them. “Memes” are a techy geeky word coined by arch-Darwinist and atheist Richard…
This should come as no shock, but teens who listen to songs with sexual lyrics start having sex earlier than teens who listen to other…
Shock rocker Alice Cooper is funding a $3 million youth center in Phoenix to be called The Rock. Not surprisingly, students will have a chance…
This week’s Economist has a great couple of articles reviewing the results of the past 10 years of "workfare," the conservative welfare reforms initiated by…
One day you are listening to the radio and you hear sermons, Bible studies and Christian music, the next day the same station is playing…
Previously, I have recommended two relatively centrist resources on the religious history of our country, Meacham’s book American Gospel (the post has a great lecture…
One of the most prolific and intelligent critics of the scriptures and their integrity is Bart Ehrman, who I have written about before (see Who’s…
One of the frustrating things about the debates over homosexuality is the constant accusation of "hate" from the pro-gay side of the debate. I previously…
Many conservatives are often forced to answer the question “why don’t you care?” or some similar inquiry. More often than not, the accuser simply avoids…
Jesus Creed has a nice list of books on prayer, and I thought to add my favorites: With Christ in the School of Prayer by…
Just so everyone is clear. It is perfectly okay to teach that “9-11 was probably an American operation to launch a war on Islam countries.”
Did anyone else see the short spot on CNN Headline news yesterday on the controversial Left Behind video game? I can’t seem to pull it…
Exodus International, one of the oldest and most active ex-gay organizations, has created a network of churches that have ex-gay ministries for those who want…
Uncommon Descent has a nice commentary on the recent paper on this subject in Cell Biology International (2004), discussing some foundational definitions in the Intelligent…
Human Events recently had a nice short article showing how, after the Bush tax cuts of 2003, tax revenues went up. This is classic supply-side…
Talk2action, the progressive activism site, is taking Barak Obama to task for his wise words on the relationship between faith and politics. In a post…
Rich over at godancscience.org has begun unpacking the meaning of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Not sure what that has to do with science,…
At the recent Call to Renewal conference, sponsored by Sojourners, a “Christian Left” organization, Barak Obama gave the keynote address (streaming audio), and said some…
This is actually an outline for a book on this subject I would like to write. One of about 8! So little time to help.…
This is the most important essay in the entire series, primarily because it outlines the assumptions upon which the rest of the series depends. Just…
It is common, especially in light of the amount of press that the liberal PCUSA is getting recently, to think of Presbyterians as liberal. Of…
The University Channel podcast is one of the best around, and this talk by Jon Meacham, author of American Gospel : God, the Founding Fathers,…
Ronald Numbers is an historian of science and medicine at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is the author of The Creationists (1993), an…
This year’s annual VOM conference is called Wear the Crown, and Todd over at the Persecution Blog has been blogging the testimonies of many of…