The Heritage Foundation has a nice paper that reviews where we’ve come from since the Republican Revolution of 1994, and where we have yet to…
I am very excited to see that my newfound favorite literal translation of the Bible, the English Standard Version (ESV), has just been published in…
The Defenders is a cool new oraganization fighting pornography, especially child porno, through encouraging men to avoid it and to speak out against it. They…
Today, we can screen unborn fetuses for abnormalities. Currently, up to 90% of Down’s Syndrome fetuses are currently aborted before birth, and a recent report…
I will throw this in as a little aside to our conversation earlier this week. An email published by Andrew Sullivan: This is not Bush…
Far left activist site talk2action had an interesting post recently, entitled Knowledge is Power: Five Books About the Religious Right. The idea behind it was…
As much as it may be contrary to common knowledge that appears to be the case. The first line of the Investor’s Business Daily story…
Now that we know the murderer of Clemson student Tiffany Souers was a repeat sex offender and been convicted of rape multiple times, the questionbecomes…
While much of what Ann Coulter says is true, that truth is hidden beneath layers of acidic attacks which do more harm than good. (Perhaps…
Al Mohler has an interesting post up today entitled A Quarter Century of AIDS — What Have We Learned? Of the many interesting points he…
Jesus Creed has a nice thread on Christian tattooing, with links to some nice xian tats. The discussion, of course, is around the passage in…
The Onion has a nice piece entitled Congress Passes Americans with No Ability Act. Fine piece of humor lampooning the welfare state and other things…
A new documentary is coming out June 28 (NY and LA only) entitled Who Killed the Electric Car? You want the answer? The oil companies…
RCB has another tragic post on the current abortion nightmare. Statistics are emerging that parents are having late term abortions for minor, treatable maladies in…
Reformed Chicks Babbling has a good post entitled Abortion and Conscience, a commentary on the recent case in Britain where a pro-lifer working in a…
As I have reported previously, one of my "favorite" anti-Christian Right sites is Recently, I went to comment on their site, and was soundly…
When I sat down to read The Da Vinci Code, the best decision I made was to have The Da Vinci Codebreaker right beside me.…
John Sanford, a Cornell Professor of Genetics for 25 years (semi-retired 1998), published Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome in 2005, and the…
OK, so the Family Research Council, an avowedly Christian right political organization, is trying to make a case that homosexual men are proportionally over-represented in…
In Part I of this series, I introduced this book. In this post, I summarize the author’s points in the topic of Doctrine. The author…
As a more moderate religious conservative, I take the unusual stand that a fetus is not a person from the point of conception, but rather,…
Next week, the U.S. Senate votes on the Marriage Protection Amendment, a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution which defines marriage as between a man…
Human Events, the conservative rag, has published its 2006 summer reading list. I doubt I will get to Ann Coulter’s book, but Islamic Imperialism looks…
The following posts make up this series Part I – Introduction Part II – Doctrine