My local liberal rag (SF Chronicle) has a nice article about how we treat scientists as our modern priests, entitled The unholy lust of scientists.…
Christians have always used (and abused) new types of media for evangelism. Beyond such things as Chat Room Ministries and Online Evangelism Kits are teams…
Young earth creationists propose that their model is in keeping with the following observances: The Earth’s Decaying Magnetic Field – In the 1970s, the creationist…
I’ve had a hard time finding detailed scientific predictions of Creationism online. But I’ve culled these from Walt Brown’s Center for Scientific Creationism. Most of…
Today on Fresh Air, Terry Gross interviewed author and historian Eric Foner, who is promoting his new book Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and…
One of my favorite podcasts is from While most of the Intelligent Design pieces are anti-ID and anti-creationism, the radio piece Evolution and Religion:…
Answers in Genesis, one of the premier Creationist sites, also dabbles fairly well in other related world view issues. And they keep tempting me to…
I am enjoying Dilbert creator Scott Adams’ blog. Today, he asks some interesting questions about cloning. Behind the humor is a great question – if…
Nancy Pearcey, author of Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity, weighs in on the debate over Intelligent Design with an excellent article in…
The Times of London quotes a woman who is asking – why can’t I get a civil union with my daughter so that I could…
Joe Carter at First Things has another nice movie list, 100 Most Overrated/Underrated Films. Here’s my list of great movies that most people have missed: A…
Answers in Genesis has a nice post today called Evolution and Medicine. The author makes some very nice points, though the article is too superficial…
If you have been following Scott Adams’ brief foray into the Intelligent Design controversy, you may know that he was vociferously attacked (mostly by evolutionists)…
Mark D. Roberts concludes a series on Politics and the Church today by examining whether pastors should speak about politics from the pulpit and whether…
Slate magazine (which has really good podcasts) has a nice article entitled Technical Knockout: The overconfidence of stem-cell liberals. Nice to see a more liberal…
Interestingly, Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, has his own blog and has two lengthy posts on Intelligent Design. They are a humorous read, and not…
Joe at the Evangelical Outpost has a list of 99 Favorite Xian Songs. Here’s my reflections. Charlie Peacock When Christian music was bland pablum (and…
The Evangelical Underground has a nice short post on separation of church and state called Shall Make No LAW. Nice reminder of the obtuseness of…
Sadly, my home state voted down Prop 73, which would have required parental notification for the surgical procedure known as abortion. This type of error…
About a year ago, they opened up a Hooters restaurant in the town where I work. Today, I ventured in with a coworker to have…
In World mag, Marvin Olaskey mentioned history books he would recommend. However, the article is impossible to scan for the books, so here’s a nice…
Two columns today are well worth reading as they both provide perspectives on the War on Terror that need to be heard. First, Lorie Byrd…
Just when I think I’m pretty smart, I go to the evangelical outpost and read one of Joe’s postings, like this three part series on…
I love history and particularly reading biographies, history books and historical fiction. Marvin Olasky at World Magazine has done history buffs a great favor by…