What if I said one of the most widely read political bloggers was talking about someone he disagreed with politically and he brought up a…
In Men in Black, Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) reveals the truth of alien life on earth to soon-to-be Agent J (Will Smith). J wonders…
I guess, as a creationist sympathizer, I have many goals, some that have to do with science, some with philosophy, and some with education and…
Man, this site is feast or famine – five days without a post? Anyway, I just started this program of receiving one volume every 2…
With the conclusion of Justice Sunday II (I echo Jim’s opinion at Stone’s Cry Out), I thought now might be a good time to discuss…
Today I found a fascinating interview with Jacob Needleman, the philosopher. This interview is about his book The American Soul : Rediscovering the Wisdom of…
The blogosphere is exploding with growth, with new blogs popping up everday. Most with very little fanfare and exposure. Not that Two or Three is…
I admit it – I am a gamer, and currently enjoying Painkiller and Escape from Butcher Bay. But the few Christian games I’ve seen so…
One of the interesting defenses of Islam I have heard goes like this – both of the other monontheistic religions (Judaism and Xianity) were more…
Time magazine’s cover story The Evolution Wars. Included in their coverage is a piece about conflicts between God and evolution. They interviewed four different people…
Rev. Jerry Falwell is often the left’s poster boy for the religious right. Sometimes he makes some statements that place him on the fringe of…
My blogroll currently has 132 feeds, and I recently trimmed it down. I now have my faith-related blogs in three folders, triage style. The truth? …
You just cannot understand the depth of my loathing right now for the way those in the gay marriage movement think: I truly hate it.…
Since Wizbang linked to the news of Dr. Anthony Flew leaving atheism behind, I thought it was safe for me to do something similar. (I…
There once was a Darwin devotee Whose phylogenetics were hokey “I know my origin” He said with a sly grin “I have a great uncle…
In recent discussion on this blog, it has come to light that I have an extensive knowledge of 90’s Pro Wrestling and enjoy an artistic…
My dearest nephew Wormwood, Why do you insist on twisting my helpful words into an attack against me? Do you honestly think you can go…
I love finding decent books in the bargains section of Barnes and Noble. This week, I found the followign two volumes, for $4 each. The…
In a column for the Guardian, Polly Toynbee illustrates the peril that awaits Christianity in the very near future. Who does Toynbee blame for the…
Bryanm over at The Narrow has a nice post on Progressive Xianity, i.e. liberal Xianity. He mentioned the Issues page of the CAFP, which I…
Just came across this post which reviews the new book, Destructive Trends In Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm. The authors argue that, rather…
Often, when I am discussing the violent teachings of the Islamic faith, someone will counter with “what about the crusades?” I am so tired of…
In Part I, we introduced the idea of wounded masculinity, and how all men have some level of injury, and many men have significant wounds…
Most men today arrive in adulthood with injured masculinity. We are victims of bad or absent fathering, or abuse by other males. Rather than displaying…