This post is part of a Series. Everyone jokes about midlife crisis until they get there. Me, however, I’ve not joked about it since my 30’s,…
Being a relative latecomer to jazz appreciation, I am often surprised by great songs that I had no idea were standards. One of the earliest…
Autumn Leaves is a 1945 French song “Les feuilles mortes” (literally “The Dead Leaves”) with music by Hungarian-French composer Joseph Kosma and lyrics by poet Jacques Prévert, the Hungarian title is…
Last weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting the central coast California town of San Luis Obispo (SLO), and at the weekly farmer’s market, a…
One challenge to the Christian faith is the claim that the uneven distribution of faith around the globe may challenge some of Christian claims about…
There are many forces which pressure us away from the ministry of grace and gospel – personal finances, demonic and human opposition, our own doubts…
Studying the book of Isaiah, I found a description of how God tended to Israel, and realized that I could find principles applicable to planting…
This sermon is on returning to the basic disciplines of faith, as described in Romans 12:1-2, including: Bring yourselves to God Stop being conformed by…
Young earth creationists (YEC) have long maintained that the earth and universe are very young (less than 10K years old!) primarily based on their reading…
I have a confession – while I hold to the traditional Biblical views regarding the unnatural and immoral nature of homosexuality, I have not been…
My mom sent me this sentimental ‘spam,’ thought it was worth reading. Get busy living or get busy dying! You know. . . Time has…
Shortly, I will be receiving a review copy of God’s Favorite Place on Earth by Frank Viola. The book released May 1st and stayed in the top # 50 on…
I am surprised to find that I really like my new smartphone. My previous phone, a Motorola Bionic, was getting too slow and the battery…
I am irritated with the whole Global Warming (GW) discussion, for many reasons, and I am not alone. A recent episode of the excellent podcast…
One of the moral challenges to the Christian viewpoint entails the fate of those who have never heard the gospel, a.k.a ‘the unreached,’ and whether…
I am currently reading Dr. Jerry Walls’ book on purgatory (for Protestants!) entitled Purgatory: The Logic of Total Transformation, and one important question he addresses is,…
In Proportions for Public Policy – the Normal Curve, I introduced the image below, suggesting that the relative proportions of legislation should follow a normal…
The following is an excerpt from my Research Paper, A Framework for Preparing A Christian-Center Call to Unity & Action: THE MENLO DECLARATION Regarding public policy,…
I’ve had my ‘blues patch’ beard for almost a decade now, and even though it’s more common and popular now, many of my Christian friends…
In my New Testament 2 class at Fuller Theological Seminary, my big ‘aha’ (I usually hit one per class) was experiencing for the first time…
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is famous for developing her five-stage model for grieving loss. Those stages are: Denial and isolation Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance I want to encourage…
I have recently published a few articles on the topic of Annihilationist (a.k.a. ‘Conditionalist’) view of hell, which claims that the Bible does not teach…
One of the greatest theological shifts in my life is moving from the Christian Right to the Christian Center. As part of this shift, I…