My uncle sends me a lot of conservative ‘spam,’ and some of it is interesting stuff. Here’s the latest. I wonder what these posters would…
Obama couldn’t sell watermelons?!? Nice.
It is a media inevitability that when a high-profile murder occurs the motivations will invariably be described as “right-wing.” Somehow, regardless of the circumstances, the…
Republicans and conservatives are often accused of holding President Obama to an impossible standard and simply criticizing him for every decision he makes. It is…
Miracles have long been a stumbling block for many investigating Christianity and other religions. Why would a person living in the 21st century believe that…
I wrote this essay back in 2001 during my period of away from Christianity, while I was exploring Vipassana Buddhist Meditation. Begin Although it has…
One of the repeated political strategies of the Obama administration has be to blame any of the current problems facing our nation on his predecessor…
It’s not often I agree with New Atheism spokesman Richard Dawkins. However in this BBC video clip, he details a problem within Christianity (despite it…
A good friend of mine has wandered full force into the positive thinking, humanistic, Dale Carnegie type of success training that is popular in professional…
Al Mohler has suggested that we can use a church or individual’s theology of hell as a measure of their theological liberalism. He also mentions…
I cranked up the tivo last night to watch my daily dose of O’Reilly (the 12/26 show isn’t up yet), and who do I see…
As Newt Gingrich pointed out today in What’s Going on in Massachusetts?, Scot Brown, the GOP challenger in Massechusetts in the run for former Senator…
Got this from twitpic – awesome! And for the record, I really liked Avatar.
This story is so amazing, I just had to share it. I know I sullied the inspiration of this by mentioning abortion, but I just…
Sure, both sides play politics, but liberals do it best. Here’s their decision chart. Enjoy.
One of my favorite movies, panned by the easily offended leftist critics, was An American Carol, a mocumentary making fun of Michael Moore (played hilariously…
In the six part interchange between Tim Challies the Christian and Luke the atheist, it looks like Tim took a different approach than me, which…
Luke over at Common Sense Atheism is engaging in a letter exchange with Tim Challies which should be really great. I am not Tim Challies,…
Here is my sermon from 12/06/09 entitled At the Bottom. Based on Mark 12:41-44, it covers these main points. Turn towards God, not away Do…
You either love or hate ‘Chick Tracts’ – this documentary is interesting. Imagine this – over 1 Billion of these have been printed, in over…
The problem with humanists is that they throw out the baby with the bathwater. They call it ‘humility’ to suspend judgment, yet they judge others…
In Why do some Christians become atheists?, I discussed five reasons why some Christians may have abandoned faith to become atheists – some noble reasons,…
I don’t often curse, especially in print, but can I just say that the current administration’s health care and climate plans are the height of…
A joke from the conservative spamosphere… ———————————————— George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a…