This wonderful cartoon from ASBO Jesus got me thinking about the whole vision thing. As a pastor, one of the chief difficulties is inspiring volunteers…
According to the alarming video below, most of anglo Europe is close to negative population growth, and so low that it won’t recover it’s population…
One of my favorite authors, Stephen Mansfield (The Faith of George W. Bush), has just completed a new book entitled "The Faith of the American…
In the latest podcast over at Reasonable Doubt, the resident atheists discuss my comment on their blog, where I suggested that there is a historical…
I’m not a birther, but I have to admit that the Obama administration’s evasive and delayed responses to the accusations that he was not American…
Courtesy of
Takeyya (noun) – the Islamic principle of lying for the greater good of the progress of Islam. Or as Mohammed wrote: He is not a…
This is an ode to one of my favorite online toons, ASBO Jesus. My motto should be “Bringing the gospel home” (get it? ASDF =…
Now that Disney has elevated gay activist Rich Ross to studio chief,it won’t be long now until we have a new more ‘diverse’ princess. I…
One of the topics I am interested in, for personal and academic reasons, is the Biblical view of homosexuality, as well as the potential for…
In less than a week, a new film critiquing the many mistakes of Al Gore’s global warming alarm movie An Inconvenient Truth, will be released.…
Ever wonder how the whole global warming scare all came about? As it turns out, the original data used to get us all alarmed is…
The first article below is very good – if the outrage over corruption at Planned Parenthood is amped up, perhaps we can get them defunded…
I found this documentary very interesting. Link:
Follow my logic: If we love God and are like him, we will adopt his general priorities (John 15:10) God loves the church and it…
Conservatives have been trying to defund the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood for years (see Defund Planned Parenthood). However, the success of the investigative reporting…
Add one more book to my Amazon wishlist – The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran. From the description: The Complete Infidel�s Guide to the…
Even if the Charles Darwin bio-pic Creation, now in UK theaters, can’t find a distributor, PBS will be airing it’s own ode to Darwin on…
The awesome podcast from Probe Ministries has an interesting 13 minute podcast this week on George Washington and Religion. Enjoy.
Atheist, Darwinist, and Christian websites are abuzz about the British bio pic of Charles Darwin, because it seems that the British producer is having trouble…
Baucus' proposal contains 'hidden consequences'A healthcare expert says the healthcare bill drafted by Senator Max Baucus creates new taxes and cuts to the Medicare program…