Many of my friends, including my pastor, think that this is the best sermon I’ve preached so far. I think the delivery could have been…
that no one who has signed a Birther or Truther petition should be tolerated within our government, either as an elected official or as an…
Will Rangel wrangle out of this one?An ethics watchdog group is calling for a criminal investigation of New York Congressman Charlie Rangel, the powerful chairman…
Two former Bush Administration officials are calling on Republicans to resist the political urge and growing historical tendency to refuse to support wars when the…
I have detailed in great depths my distaste for and distrust of the "birther movement,' as defined as those individuals, predominately conservatives, who believe that…
This video came to me in an email, and despite the comments of 'beautiful,' I actually have very mixed feelings about this. While I am…
Ohio mosque a 'danger' to teen convertAn Orlando, Florida, attorney has filed court documents to support his contention that a Columbus, Ohio-area mosque has ties…
More handouts in store for big banks?A leading free-market economist says because of the bank bailouts authorized by the Bush and Obama administrations, any big…
A little light Monday morning humor making fun of big government philosophy.
News updates: Group questions Catholic funeral for KennedyA Catholic pro-life leader has some scathing words concerning Senator Ted Kennedy's Catholic funeral. Healthcare reform bill =…
You’ve got to hand it to Christopher Hitchens for making the decision to go out of friendly territory to debate Christians on their own turf…
Islam Watch has a good article entitled Europe’s Dark Age and Islam’s Golden Age: Two Facets of The Same Fiction?, which discusses the content of…
In an effort to showcase the “grassroots” support for government health care, Steven Crowder goes undercover at a liberal non-profit and finds out there’s a…
While birthers are garnering most of the attention, a new fringe break-off group is emerging from the shadows to demand answers to their questions. They…
William Lane Craig, who usually sticks to apologetics and debates (he is arguably the best living Christian apologist and philosopher), takes on Obamacare in Bearing…
So, I watched the trailer for Tron Legacy, and am really excited about it. However, in watching the original (watching it now, actually), I saw…
As per a news release at PFOX: The Superior Court of the District of Columbia has ruled that former homosexuals are a protected class that…
Ted Kennedy was passionate about the things he believed. I did not agree with him on virtually any issue, but I respected his desire to…
Islam is not just another faith system – it is an evil ideology with murder and the Father of Murder behind it. Watch this testimony…
Who wrote the first English statement declaring that the king or any governmental leader had no authority over the religious or non-religious convictions of the…
What can you do to bring 'real men' into the fold? Well Pilgrim, how about John Wayne Bible studies. The studies use the movie Angel…
Might as well start numbering them!
In 1961, Ronald Reagan joined the American Medical Association in opposing the Democratic Party's attempt to force socialized medicine on the American people. President Reagan's…