American Vision offers this excellent 30 page PDF entitled America’s 200-Year-War With Islamic Terrorism (PDF). In it, author Gary DeMar discusses the conflict of the…
This sermon, delivered over the July 4th weekend, covers a portion of John 10, explaining the different characters in Jesus’ allegory of himself as ‘the…
The Obama presidency is historic, for many reasons. However, I think that his legacy may be more negative than positive. Here, I list my pessimistic…
Jesus had a major smackdown with the Pharisees, in which they exchange insults. It escalates to a point where Jesus finally just replies “I AM…
The world that fails? Government programs. Obama was not mistaken when he compared the quality of private services (FedEx) and government (Post Office) to health…
Courtesy of (HT: cubedweller)
There’s a ton out there. Here are my favorites so far: Bible Study – this site I use quite a lot because you can…
Thankfully, our Constitution has recognized the right of individual citizens to bear arms. Many states allow residents to carry handguns on their person. These are…
Here’s a spam email making its rounds among us neocons. These allegories are always a bit oversimplified, but they: Communicate the essence of the nonsensical…
I have (and will) criticize liberals for being inconsistent in their application of certain political rules (No astroturfing. No Hitler comparisons. etc.) . However, when…
Theories are nice. Discussing hypothetical situations can be beneficial and have real world results. However, one can be in favor of an idea or principle…
In 5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform, Fortune editor Shawn Tully contributes his opinion to the ongoing special report on Healthcare at CNN. …
Gateways to Better Education, a “national organization dedicated to helping public schools teach Judeo-Christian history, thought, and values” is sponsoring the National Free to Speak…
The Bible says that true spirituality involves caring for orphans and widows. But how much do we actually take this seriously? James 1:27 (New International…
I don't have time to back all of these claims up with data. I'll leave it up to you to google for the evidence, or…
Who said the following? I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic.…
I just finished listening to a really interesting hour long podcast of a lecture by Gary Habermas, author of Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for…
I get the American Family Association newsletter, and this week, they sent an intriguing statement. Here is the single most important question you can ask…
The articles in this series on the G12 Church model include: Part I: What abusive churches are like Part II: Our experience at MercyChurch Part…
NOTE: This post is part of a Series on the G12 Model In Part I, I discussed what I’d heard about the G12 model, and…
Greg Stier over at the Christian Post has a nice article entitled Michael Jackson's Real Legacy. Here's the shortened list, modified by me: He taught…
Political Math tried to find and visualize the amount of violence associated with the pro-life movement in America. I mean, these people are a menace,…
This is a classic. If you haven't seen it, enjoy.
The CBO brings a little reality to the Hope and Dreams machine (HT: James).