Human trafficking is the second largest organized crime industry in the world. Annually, over 600,000 are trafficked internationally, while more than 14,500 are trafficked through…
While he still appears to be in solid shape to win the Democratic nomination, the last few weeks have been politically the worst of Barack…
Recently scholars NT Wright and Bart Ehrman debated one of the great theological questions of all-time – the existence of suffering balanced with the existence…
My wife and I saw Ben Stein’s Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed this evening, and I was pleasantly surprised. I had low expectations due to the…
I am not voting for Barack Obama for President. Below you will find why I cannot vote for this inspiring speaker and seemingly genuine politician.
David Berlinkski, interviewed in the Intelligent Design movie Expelled, wrote a book on atheism and science entitled The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.…
Courtesy of LarkNews.
Barack Obama should still win the Democratic nomination and is probably still the odds on favorite to win the presidency later this year, but why…
Here’s some cute misunderstandings of God by kids, sent to me as some internet spam. Enjoy. LOT’S WIFEThe Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot’s…
How about idols sing praise songs? Those sentiments seem fairly strange – almost as strange as the actual fact. The eight finalist on American Idol…
John MacArthur has posted a nice article on Pulpit Magazine about the following scripture, discussing how we should NOT provoke our children to anger. I’ve…
Here are some of my favorite quotes about politics, by politicians or somehow vaguely connected to politics only in the deep recesses of my brain.
This is the second breakthrough announced in the past six months. In December, scientists were able to reprogram skin stem cells to to behave like…
NARTH has a nice redux of a recent article from the primary journal Sexuality and Disability. The original article, written by a researcher from the…
The view from outside of the black liberation theology camp is that people are cheering Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jermiah Wright, because: It is easier to…
As if I don’t have enough books already and won’t be getting even more as I head off to seminary later this year, Scriptorium has…
I am assuming this is not a April Fool’s Joke, since the story was posted several days ago, but you have to read it to…
NARTH reports that a recent American Psychological Association (APA) brochure on homosexuality de-emphasizes the biological theory of homosexuality. The new pamphlet is a re-release of…
Tammy Thomas is a winning female cyclist. Too bad she’s been winning because of steroid use. Don’t believe it? Just ask the reporter who caught…
The ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) has started a petition to defund Planned Parenthood, and support Senate Bill 351 (S.351), the Title X…
It seems like it has been all Obama, all the time, so I thought I would give Hillary a little attention. She finally decided to…
David Skillicorn, a computing science professor at Queen’s University, has devised a program that analyzes the candidates’ speeches to see who is putting the most…
The Center for Research on Globalization has posted an article entitled Global Warming: A Convenient Lie, which gives a nice overview of the very real…
Just in case, if my boss asks you – No, I am not watching the NCAA tournament live on the internet at work. I would…