In a nice article in First Things, Michael Fragoso responds to a NYT article which attacked the idea of public marriage by taking on these…
The trailer is now available. The movie opens May 16, 2008. Hat tip: Tim Ellsworth
During the 2004 election, I wrote (here and here) that a candidate’s character should be a key factor in deciding who to vote for in…
This is the first sermon in a series on love, of which I will preach a few parts. This is one of my favorite sermons…
This sermon is broken up a little with humor while having technical problems, but the content is some of my best so far. To download…
Ok, here’s another spam from my uncle – he sends me about one a day, but I like to post the ones I agree with…
Ok, I know you have to work from home, but it could be time to catch up on great movies you missed. Here’s my list…
So, I’m having a hard time finding personal meme questionaires online, so I thought to create my own. So here’s the food meme. Feel free…
Discussions of what the bible says about Christianity and government often come up, and one book I oft refer to is Pilgrim’s Uneasy Neighbors: Church…
This has been all over the blogosphere, but I had to mention it – John Coleman (d. 2018), founder of the Weather Channel, has written…
The RATE project from ICR has been examining the limits and data around C14 radioisotope dating methods, and one of the their last experiments seems…
On my way in today, I listened to Adrian Rogers on the radio, and he preached a great sermon on Christian Citizenship. I wanted…
In Did Moses Marry a Black Woman? John Piper has a nice short discussion of Moses’ wife, and how Christians ought to view interracial marriage…
"Love your enemies" is not a complete philosophy in itself – it must be balanced with "protect the weak" and "do justice." – danielg
Boing Boing has an interesting, if short book review of God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion, a new book from Vatican…
The new book Ex-gays? discusses a very thorough longitudinal study on ex-gay therapy, and confirms that therapeutically impressive results are provided by such therapies, and…
This series contains the following posts: Darwinism Impeding Science I – Spontaneous Generation or Creation Darwinism Impeding Science II – The Appendix Darwinism Impeding Science…
My uncle sends me a lot of these patriotic conservative spams, some of which are schmaltzy, some jingoistic, and some really good. This one, a…
American Thinker has a nice post entitled Judeo-Christian Values, in which they examine America’s Founding Fathers’ view of religion and state, and they make some…
“Your book is, in my opinion, so contemptible and worthless that I feel great pity for you for having defiled your beautiful and skilled manner…
Fifth in the series, this is the last sermon in the series. It covers The Revealing of God’s Call The Re-education of God’s Call The…
In What I Like About Rick Warren, New City Press has really done a nice job of reconsidering the overly negative, critical approach that many…
One of the main biblical arguments for the existence of God is the amazing beauty, complexity, and integration of the created, living world. As the…
Tom Pryde has written a tragically humorous article critical of "non-sectarian" prayers – and while I am liberal egalitarian enough to actually perhaps agree with…