In An Idiot’s Guide to Evolution, First Things author Stephen Webb discusses David Sloan Wilson’s new book Evolution for Everyone (2007). The dirty Darwinian secret…
This kid is a little sophomoric, but he is stirring up crap. I like him.
As a now devoted firefox user, I love this commercial.
Christianity today just announced it’s 2007 book award winners, and some will find a place on my amazon wishlist.
Looks like a new semi-documentary at the Cannes film festival entitled Zoo "depicts the men [who have sex with horses] in a sympathetic light, one…
American Vision has just brought back into print another great book, The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. Originally…
Al Mohler has some penetrating and thought-provoking articles on some current topics in abortion – selective abortion of extra fetuses created by modern fertility practices,…
One of my favorite magazines is New Scientist. Despite their pro-evolution and pro-global warming position, they digest and present what’s going on in science very…
Here’s my second sermon. Points include: Ask – you have not because you ask not Seek – don’t just ask, take action Knock – persevere…
Here’s my summary of why stubborn global-warming critics still exist despite the “overwhelming scientific consensus.” If global warming critics were saying that “the impact won’t…
LATEST SPAM EMAIL Some of you may be wondering what Judge Roy Moore has been doing since he was removed from the bench for refusing…
My uncle daily sends me inspirational or funny spam emails. I have no idea where he gets them all, but I thought to start putting…
While many on the right are sending their condolences and many on the left are rejoicing, the thoughts I found to be the most sincere…
Cineaste sent me this story about a young entrepreneurial atheist who pledges to deliver letters to those “left behind” post-rapture, since he obviously will not…
SBC Outpost pretty much sums up my feelings about the debate between Christians Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron and atheists Brian Sapient and Kelly.
Anybody want a personalized voice message from Alec Baldwin? Didn’t think so.
Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, and Douglas Wilson, author of Letter from a Christian Citizen, seek to tackle…
George Orwell has to be one of the most often approvingly quoted person by both the right and left. He does seem, however, to be…
In her book Total Truth, Nancy Pearcey writes that churches that change are churches that decline. Well before the American Revolution, leading scholars at Harvard…
Or so says a new study by a Mississippi State University sociologist and reported by one the right-wing blogosphere’s leading atheists.
As a prime example of why I don’t like politicizing tragedies enter Joe Biden who gives the real reason for the VaTech massacre, Katrina, Iraq,…
Another breakthrough in stem-cell research. This time stem-cells have essentially cured type 1 diabetes by ending the patients’ need for insulin injections. They were given…
One of the reasons I don’t like taking a tragedy or a national event and turning into a pedestal for my favorite political or cultural…