Well, I am tired of working in IT, and am looking forward to a new career as a Pastor in the future, that is, after…
JunkScience.com has put together the Top Ten Junk Science Moments for 2006. Here’s a sample.
As someone who has recovered (mostly ;) from a spiritually controlling Christian organization, I know what it is like to become a judgmental legalist, and…
At the behest of our faithful and civil commenter Cineaste, I listened to a highly enjoyable Radiolabs show on morality, and wanted to comment on…
The following posts make up this series: Re-imaging the Christian Church – Intro Re-imaging the Christian Church I – What’s wrong with church? Re-imaging the…
The following posts make up this series: Five Responses to Islamofascism I – rejection of all revealed faiths Five Responses to Islamofascism II – rejection…
Sam Harris, anti-religionist atheist, published a list of ten myths about atheism – and many atheists point to these as straw men that Christians use…
Evolutionists constantly try to disavow the logical link between Darwinism and social Darwinism, but no matter how they try to divorce themselves from it, even…
As I have claimed previously, Darwinism contributes nearly nothing to medical science (and most practical science in general), except maybe an errant world view and…
In their ongoing ministry of condemnation discernment, Slice is railing against Christians who recommend seeing The Nativity Story (which BTW, isn’t getting great reviews –…
One of my new favorite authors is agnostic sociologist Rodney Stark. While he has Catholic sympathies, he is not above letting them have it in…
I greatly enjoyed the post The Atheism Delusion: The Destructive Power of Materialist Indoctrination, because this scientist’s experience with being awakened from the “evolution is…
The New Scientist discusses what scientists are learning from 500 million year old embryos, and lo and behold, it matches what creationists would predict –…
Much has been made of late of the “N” word in black circles, and in the news. For years, accomplished blacks have become pariahs in…
As has become customary during Christmas and Easter for national news magazines, Newsweek has a cover story on the holiday subject matter.
Cineaste pointed me to a very interesting article by TIME Magazine. In God vs. Science, TIME brings in the heavyweights from both sides to argue…
My second favorite kind of sci-fi movie is the time-travel / time-paradox movie, and Denzel Washington’s latest Deja Vu is a pretty good addition to…
In Fiscal Policy Lessons from Europe, the Heritage Foundation has produced a nice report that warns, if we don’t learn from the failing European welfare…
Ben Stein has written an interesting article in the NYT called In Class Warfare, Guess Which Class Is Winning. In it, he argues, based solely…
The news come out during the run up to the releas of The Nativity Story that the 16-year-old actress playing Mary, Keisha Castle-Hughes, was pregnant…
To many, serving an invisible God that only answers in subjective, non-verifiable ways, is pure superstition at best. And while I understand this line of…
After subscribing to a free copy of the weekly arch-conservative rag, Human Events, I decided not to actually pay for the thing (if I read…
A Wiccan widow is fighting for the right to place a Wiccan symbol on her veteran husband’s tombstone.
Here’s a classic TV clip to start off your Thanksgiving celebration. (Hat tip: Hugh Hewitt) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!