One of my favorite podcasts is the University Channel Podcast from Princeton Univ. Here are some of the interesting speeches which you can listen to…
Prosthesis has started something which I think deserves to be expanded upon. His entry is If you think the most important aspect of the Ted…
A recent comment here suggested that the typical Evangelical family is like the one described in My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists. Thankfully, this…
There are plenty of books out there declaring the US to be a "Christian nation," and rebuttals. But for fun, I wanted to publish some…
Many of my liberal friends expected me to be depressed about the election results, but aside from the awful fact that California did NOT pass…
I just received a catalog from Vision Forum, and they have an incredible array of books that you might use for home schooling and self-education…
Ms. Sabuni is a black muslim female, a Swedish citizen, and holds a ministerial post in the government. But she wants Muslims to integrate into…
D. James Kennedy had a good sermon on The New Tolerance this past week, and I really like his take on the virtue of "tolerance." …
Maps of War has provided this very cool animation – makes me want to go read about these other empires. I can’t wait to cover…
European writer Fjordman has a new essay on Islam in Europe. He argues that, with huge Muslim immigration into large and capitol cities, these locations…
My wife and I both saw The Guardian tonight, starring Costner and Kutcher. I’m not much for inspirational stories, especially sports or gingoistic patriotic themes,…
National Review Online contributor, Rod Dreher, left the Catholic Church for the Orthodox Church. He wrote a lengthy explanation of the change and what drove…
Aaron has put up a short post on CT’s The Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals. I was going to respond with a comment,…
Christianity Today has complied a list of the top 50 books that have shaped Evangelicals. The list includes well-known classics and some surprises. Also surprising…
One of the things I dream about when I pray and talk to God is building a church that really meets God’s goals for the…
Some of the best and most popular urban myths are those that encapsulate truth, but are somehow fictitious in origin or attribution. One of my…
This past week, I was almost the victim of a Fake Money Order Rent Check Nigerian scam. No, not the typical 419 scam, but one…
Tuesday nights are date nights for my wife and I, a chance to reconnect away from the kids. We usually see a movie, and tonight,…
In an interesting post entitled 3D foetal scans ‘dangerously misleading’, The British newspaper The Daily Mail relates that a group of scientists wants to warn…
In case you haven’t seen the news, Leon Morris the Evangelical theologian has died. I have really enjoyed his books, including a commentary on Luke…
After some research it appears that blue laws may benefit the areas where they are enacted. Or at least the opposite is true: areas that…
Want to get really mad? Just read the daily litany of Muslim oppression and violence at This latest article shows how "fear of offending…
One of the questions that continually haunts me is why are so many churches are nothing like the Church in Acts? Why are so many…
Fundamentally Reformed has a post on the Modern Hymn Movement, but the attitudes behind this movement are a mix of desire to please God and…