Robert Redeker, a 52 year-old French philosophy teacher in Tolouse, is now in hiding. Why? Because after publishing an article describing the Koran as a…
I hate that I am posting about politics again today, but a recent story plays into the recent debate here on torture, the Christian response…
The Evangelical Outpost has a nice post on the balanced, Christian perspective regarding the enemy we face in the War on Terror.
One of the most thought provoking writers today is Ted Dekker. If you have never heard of him – you should. When C.S. Lewis said…
You may not have noticed, but I put some widgets in the left margin which document what I consider to be three of humanity’s biggest…
A consistent pattern in hominid fossils is that evolutionists are constantly trying to fit them into their timeline, and are regularly discovering hominids that “must…
Joe at EO has some nice advice to us in the Christian Right. Here’s some good ones: I can’t make excuses for us on this…
Who wrote the following: To take a line of fossils and claim that they represent a lineage is not a scientific hypothesis that can be…
Who said the following about the fossil record: The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1) Stasis. Most species…
So the insane Muslims reacted with violence and threats to the Pope’s recitation of a quote that called Islam violent and coercive. I’d say they…
There are a few conservative Christian doctrines, most of which I agree with, that drive religious and non-religious liberals to hysterics. I thought to list…
Crank science and history are interesting, especially when the author may actually be right. Such is the case with Anatoly Fomenko’s series of books (first…
Recently, I wrote a piece on various issues, and where various groups stand on them – I outlined the far left, left, right, and far…
There is an aphorism which I agree with, which goes like this: In every criticism, even from your most hateful detractors, there is often a…
On, one of my favorite evangelical sites, I have recently been defending Rick Warren, it seems that many of the readers think his approach…
Christina Hoff-Sommers’ 2001 book The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men, the second of her books criticizing radical feminism, really…
If you are a pastor that has to preach every weekend, what do you do when you run out of fresh material? What if you’ve…
I am a big fan of the saying “In the essentials, UNITY, in the non-essentials, LIBERTY, in all things, CHARITY.” But what are the essentials…
Al Mohler has written an excellent article on what biblical manhood looks like. I’ve summarized his main points below.
I am in the process of applying to seminary, and my application essay is causing some pause at one college. Check out the question they…
US News had a nice article on the history of abolition, entitled Who ended the slave trade? In it, the author makes some great observations…
Conservatives have often opposed the legal approval of gay marriage because, they argue, it will open the door to redefining marriage as basically any kind…
The NYT reports on a growing "problem" in the lesbian community – descrimination against former lesbians who have had operations to become men. You see,…
There are a few things that get my goat – gay apologists (who try to prove that the bible does not condenm homosexuality as sin),…