When I sat down to read The Da Vinci Code, the best decision I made was to have The Da Vinci Codebreaker right beside me.…
John Sanford, a Cornell Professor of Genetics for 25 years (semi-retired 1998), published Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome in 2005, and the…
OK, so the Family Research Council, an avowedly Christian right political organization, is trying to make a case that homosexual men are proportionally over-represented in…
In Part I of this series, I introduced this book. In this post, I summarize the author’s points in the topic of Doctrine. The author…
As a more moderate religious conservative, I take the unusual stand that a fetus is not a person from the point of conception, but rather,…
Next week, the U.S. Senate votes on the Marriage Protection Amendment, a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution which defines marriage as between a man…
Human Events, the conservative rag, has published its 2006 summer reading list. I doubt I will get to Ann Coulter’s book, but Islamic Imperialism looks…
The following posts make up this series Part I – Introduction Part II – Doctrine
For all of those liberals who comfort themselves at night that liberalism and the pro-gay agenda certainly aren’t connected with other sexual deviancy like pedophilia,…
One of our faithful commenters alerted me to this recent report on how the vaunted abstinence program in Uganda has failed to curtail the spread…
Christianity and Liberalism was originally published in 1922, in response to the growing theological liberalism of the early 1900’s. Not only is this book well…
Take a look at the votes on an amendment to cap the number of guest worker permits at 650,000 per year.
Okay, I will stop beating a dead, or at least dying, horse. While the movie racked in over $77 million the first weekend, the film…
From Albert Mohler’s Blog – I have never heard of this guy, but I will have to look into him. He has published prolifically, including…
The Weekly Standard has just published an interesting piece on how governmental approval of same-sex marriage would probably be accompanied by a crackdown on organizations…
Yes, it is all Da Vinci Code all the time. My blog (partially) – my topics. Just kidding (partially). I thought I had sufficiently answered…
Macht, one of my favorite intellectual Christian philosopher bloggers, has a really nice article which discusses three definitions of faith, and how your view of…
UPDATE: Special note to all drive-by Googling potential commenters at the bottom of the post. With a book that has its foundation in the art…
Many non-Christians have been confused as to the response of the Christian community to The Da Vinci Code. Some have even ridiculed Christians for discussing…
Journalist Michelle Goldberg, a senior writer for the online magazine Salon, has written a new book entitled Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism. Although…
In today’s L.A. Times, they discuss the population problem in Germany – not OVERpopulation, but the loss of people. In Sex is Essential But Kids…
William Dembski today published a short list of books for philosophy students wanting to investigate Intelligent Design. They are Ben Wiker, Moral Darwinism: How We…
My favorite writer, Ted Dekker linked to an article entitled “Why Heathens make the best Christian Movies” on his blog last year. It raises tons…