Al Mohler has a nice post entitled Can Christians Use Birth Control?, in preparation for his 5/11/06 call-in show. This topic is coming up more…
Help! Mom! Hollywood’s in My Hamper! is the second of the Help Mom! books and is the more clear and less political of the two.
A. Dean Byrd, VP of NARTH, has posted a nice overview of clinical treatement of homosexuality called Treatment of Male Homosexuality: A Cognitive-Behavioral and Interpersonal…
Joe over at the EO has a nice review of Ramesh Ponnuru’s new book, The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and…
I just came across another ex-gay ministry site, and they did a survey of the members of their online support groups to determine what they…
The Spanish Socialist Party will introduce a bill in the Congress of Deputies calling for “the immediate inclusion of (simians) in the category of persons,…
Last week, I posted on how politics skews the reporting of scientific research, citing the gap between the Chernobyl statistics of the U.N. and Greenpeace…
I’m not a fan of political and religious polemics (really!), but I enjoy hearing Ann Coulter speak – she’s an over the top conservative, and…
I’ll admit it – one of the people I “fear” the most is Bart Ehrman, Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at UNC-CH. Why? …
In doing some research, I came across this interesting book by psychologist Dr. Louis Berman. In The Puzzle: Exploring the Evolutionary Puzzle of Male Homosexuality,…
Bryan at The Narrow has a nice short post about one of the many bible skeptics from history who, in his examination of the claims…
The Chicago Sun Times has a good article on modern bible translations, called One Faith, Many Bibles. Nothing controversial, but nice list of resources. Me,…
Joe Carter has a very thought provoking post (Debatable: Genesis, Genealogies, and the Age of the Earth), and some very intelligent comments on the claim that…
It appears that the media has caught Judas fever. This is an old story (I posted about it for World Magazine Blog in February), but…
I wanted to mention the importance of the Washington Post article from last week entitled Marriage Is for White People, by Joy Jones (a black…
This is not really important, but it is interesting. Now that gays can fool nature (but not nature’s God ;) by choosing artificial insemination to…
Albert Mohler talked yesterday about the "religious left" and how this affects the liberals. He reviews Steven Waldman’s survey on the religious left, which…
In today’s response to the tiktaalik fish at the CSC, I read with interest the proposed way to calculate the number of transitional fossils we…
To the right is a computer generated rendering of the Tiktaalik roseae, the creature that will once and for all banish the evil science-hating creationists,…
I just discovered this three part interview with David Berlinksi, and it is funny! Well, if you are an Intelligent Design supporter. I recommend the…
I love telling good, dumb jokes (no comments please). So here are my favorite lightbulb jokes. Feel free to chime in. Q: How many Marketing…
So, I get the stockholders report from my company, and we have to vote on the board of directors, and some policy recommendations. One of…
One of my least favorite liberal canards is the old "population problem" argument, that argues that we have too many people, and not enough resources. …
Since I often mention pedphilia, I thought that I would mention a classic set of books on the subject, books for recovering abusers. One of…