I just caught the article Ministry says it helps gays become straight in an Indianapolis paper. The ex-gay ministry of Redeemer Presbyeterian in Indianapolis is…
A life-size sculpture of a naked Britney Spears kneeling on a bearskin rug as she gives birth will be on display next month at Brooklyn’s…
There is a heated debate going on in the evangelical church – are we diluting the gospel by linking it with political activism? I personally…
For those who doubt that there is a systemic liberal bias in the halls of Academia, witness the latest "leftist plot" at Baylor University. It…
Zondervan has an interesting series of books called the Counterpoint Series. One of the books is on my reading list, Two Views on Women in…
San Francisco is the tolerance capital of America, except when it comes to Christianity.
Scholar and author Stephanie Coontz explores the myths of traditional marriage in an excellent podcast. She is liberal and pro-gay, but her lecture, The Way…
Sunday’s New York Times had a very good Op-Ed piece on black poverty called A Poverty of Mind. It cogently explained why we have largely…
As much as conservatives want to bash Matt Dubay as a selfish, bad father, the 25 year old who refuses to pay child support for…
Previously, I discussed Why Most Evangelicals Don’t Like Evolution. One important point was that the philosophic and religious ideas that flow from or are easily…
Is America the root cause of the problems in the world? Are terrorists freedom fighters while GWB is more akin to Hitler? Are most Republicans…
If you used only non-Christian sources to try to recreate the history of the New Testament, the following would be facts you could learn: Jesus…
The pro-gay site Washington Blade has a well balanced article (well, it is a little to the left) on Spitzer’s book Ex-gay Research. We’ve also…
While the abortion pill RU-486 has been effective at killing unborn babies, the deaths of seven women (including two recently) have increased the calls for…
I heard a really great teaching today from the Beatitudes on the oft quoted "thou shalt not judge lest ye be judged" scripture, a favorite…
Back on March 1st, the College Republicans at UC Irvine displayed the controversial Mohammed cartoons on campus as part of a forum on Islamic Extremism…
A recent study shows some surprising things about America’s megachurches.
In a recent opinion piece in the New York Times Slavoj Zizek continues the meme that a fundamentalist of any religion is essentially the same.…
Valley of the Wolves Iraq is the smash blockbuster that’s tapping into and spreading anti-American sentiment across the Middle East and Europe. Is it alarmingly…
Horror movie vetern Bill Moseley talked with Fangoria about his latest project. What makes me interested is the film will be an adaptation of Ted…
In a funny twist, Dutch immigration officials are making people from Middle Eastern countries watch a video of two men kissing, and a topless woman,…
Last evening, I watched the movie Bulletproof Monk for the first time. This humorous and entertaining movie has a riddle for the novice martial artist…
Now, I am not one to buy into slippery slope arguments (hence my dislike for both ends of the abortion debate, the gay debate, and…
Fans of the Terry Tate series of ads will enjoy this parody. Very nice.