Out of Ur, the blog of Leadership Journal, has a really interesting post on House Churches, which are often just small groups with no real…
The central argument for abortion has been “a woman’s right to choose.” It is in their very monicker – “pro-choice.” The position rests on an…
Today the south Florida Sun Sentinel published an article entitled Parent says he raised red flag a year ago about teacher accused of sexual abuse.…
A recent story out of Missouri has many people in an uproar. A local television station reported that the legislature is considering making Christianity the…
Terra Extraneus has a nice three part series entitled Why I am No Longer a Christian Fundamentalist. Well worth the read. But the word ‘fundamentalist’…
Rolling Stone just published a very interesting article entitled Inside Scientology. It’s long, balanced, and in parts, disturbing in the level of mind control they…
Zenit, a Catholic news agency, has an interview with Alveda King, niece of slain civil-rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. She has some choice things…
The Biblical Christianity Blog has a nice exposition of 1 Corinthians 1:22-25. The post includes this very nice illustration: Let every pulpit rightly say, “we…
My wife and I had to bail on a party this weekend that I was looking forward to attending. One of her friends’ mother was…
NPR’s Fresh Air had an interview with the author of Absolute Convictions, the soon to be released book by an award-winning journalist whose father was…
These two ads were reportedly banned. The first one, I think is hilarious, and not sure why anyone would ban it. The second is questionable,…
Wired News has an interesting article entitled RFID: Sign of the (End) Times?. It discusses Katherine Albrecht’s new book The Spychips Threat: Why Christians Should…
As I’ve said previously in Christian Healthcare Alternatives, I think we need a tiered, shared model for health care. My previous five tiers can be…
This past week in St. Louis, two ex-gay organizations, Exodus Intl. and Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out held a Love Won Out conference…
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, authors of the 1982 nonfiction book “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” are suing The Da Vinci Code publisher,…
Here’s a crazy story. A girl gets pregnant at 16 and goes in for an abortion. They perform it, but only kill one of two…
I saw the following in a comment by my favorite trouble maker mynym, and wanted to republish him here. Nice. They don’t even deserve Liberty,…
Adherents of any faith should be conscious of how they portray their belief system to the outside world. I am constantly concerned about how Christianity,…
One of the more interesting sites critical of Islam is thereligionofpeace.com. It has lots of statistics, and keeps a daily count on how many people…
Some news regarding ex-gay stuff: Spitzer Discusses New Book on Ex-Gay Therapy – NEW YORK PSYCHIATRIST Robert L. Spitzer was always a rebel, and his…
Well, not really – they’re former strippers who have become xians, and weekly go to strip clubs to pay for lap dances and share the…
For many of those who support gay rights, Dr. Dobson is the epitome of the “hate-filled Christians.” But Dobson is taking flack from many on…
Here’s a nice collection of many of the editorial cartoons about this whole Mo cartoon thing. Also, check out the hour long lecture entitled The…
One place where I disagree with the Christian mainstream is on the issue of abortion and when life begins. Most believe that the fetus is…