I’m not sure if everyone has heard about Willie Nelson’s new “gay cowboy song.” After hearing the song on a talk radio station yesterday, I…
Gene Robinon was consecrated as a Bisop by the Episcopal church in 2003. His recent admission into an alcohol rehab clinic brings up many questions:…
I was reading Wm. Dembski’s discussion of nyolase, and why it is not an example of evolution, but of adaptation, or more specifically, “natural genetic…
Today, I found two more pieces of scientific data that cause me to continue to doubt evolution as a believable mechanism for origins. The first…
Now that I have your attention…the title may not be exactly what you are thinking. Followers of Islam and prophet Muhammed are concerned about the…
Over at Out of Ur, the blog of Leadership Mag (every pastor should get this mag), Brian McLaren posted an article about how Christians should…
Evolutionary thinkers love to conflate creationism and intelligent design. But in a recent post on Uncommon Descent, Dave Scott is really trying to distance himself…
I recently finished reading God is the Gospel by John Piper for Mind & Media. Before I received the book, I was looking forward to…
If you need a handy, short guide to help with any writing project, be it a short report or a gigantic book, How to Write…
Much has been said and insinuated about the history of Christianity and slavery. Unfortunately, many Christians, especially in the South, defended the abhorrent practice. However,…
In a recent NRP interview, Vonnegut, an American novelist and satirist, had some interesting things to say about modern science. Now, he’s a little old…
For the most part the Huffington Post is a desert of serious thought with C list celebrities and D list writers seeing who can build…
Many people know about the infamous “wedge document,” a fund-raising document outlining the Discovery Institute’s action plan to conquer evolution in the public arena. Its…
O.S. Card, a legendary sci-fi author, has just weighed in on Intelligent Design in an article entitled Creation and Evolution in Schools. He is no…
Thanks to mynym, I have added a new book to my amazon wishlist – The Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of…
SNL had a hilarious opening segment interviewing the mayor of New Orleans, Jesse Jackson, and Hillary Clinton (well, actors impersonating them). Hillary’s recent "plantation" quote,…
Yesterday, I visited the Big Valley Gallery in Modesto, CA, and had an interesting talk w/ the salesperson. He is a 30-something art dealer and…
Over at the Pandering Thumb, I’ve been in discussion with the rabid anti-creationists, discussing the merits of Intelligent Design (ID). Let me tell you, it’s…
Univ. of California TV has a very nice set of free lecture videos on origins. Titles include: The Rhetoric of Charles Darwin (Dr. John Angus…
Uncommon Descent fame has a really interesting summary of how to interpret fossils, along with his highly interesting (original?) method called Latent Library or Prescribed…
Ever been in one of those arguments where a creationist argues “evolution is against the law of entropy”, to which an evolutionist often replies “in…
USA Today had a great article last week on the relationship between the de-Christianizing of Europe and it’s declining population growth. Is God Dead in…
USA Today reports on two recent studies on adultery, upon whose data Martie Haselton, assistant professor of communication and psychology at UCLA’s Center for Behavior,…
My local liberal rag (SF Chronicle) has a nice article about how we treat scientists as our modern priests, entitled The unholy lust of scientists.…