A new book from Yale University press, called The Plausibility of Life: Resolving Darwin’s Dilemma is trying to explain one of the main weaknesses of…
Many of us probably remember Alvin Toffler’s book The Third Wave, in which he talked about the three waves of our modern economies – agrarian,…
As I mentioned in my previous post, Opal Formation – An Example of “Creationist” Research, anti-creationists can not get past the name “Creation Science” because…
Bill Bennett said aborting every black would reduce the crime rate, but it was "impossibly ridiculous and morally reprehensible." This caused a media firestorm chastizing…
One evolutionary canard I am tired of is the “you can’t design scientific experiments on Creationism.” In part, they say this because they do not…
Nancy Pearcey, author of the award-winning book Total Truth (and one of my favorite writers) has started her own blog with her husband Richard called…
In the Washington Post yesterday, liberal columnist Richard Cohen wrote a very interesting article entitled Support Choice, Not Roe. He admits what pro-lifers have been…
This week’s The Week has a nice article on Germany’s new chancellor entitled Can Merkel dismantle the welfare state? (subscribers only) Germany is a showcase…
Instead of doing several different posts on all these interesting stories, I figured I would give you one big, exciting link explosion.
As a former biochemist (I’m in computers now), I totally identified with Geoff Down’s story of how he became a creationist (from the book In…
A few weeks ago I received a sample in the mail of a new Bible called the Outdoor Bible. When I first heard about this…
Contrary to popular belief, employing a biblical world view for disciplines outside of personal faith, such as politics, art, child-raising, or science, is not using…
So, in researching biblical principles of government, I came up on this page, which had the following list of "biblical" principles: 1. Separation of church…
Just recieved a new book to review from Stacy at Mind & Media. Brokenness: How God Redeems Pain and Suffering looks excellent. First impressions: Foreword…
With the release of a letter by al-Zawahri, al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader, new questions should be asked of those advocating an immediate pull-out from Iraq.…
New research by an avian evolutionist and paleobiologist suggests that the long held belief that birds evolved from dinosaurs is false.
Marvin Olasky, Professor at UT Austin, author of many articles and books, coined the term Compassionate Conservativism in his book of the same name. In…
In Part I, I gave my first impressions of the book, which were positive. My first impression is giving way to a deeper appreciation for…
Douglas Kern over at Tech Central Station has a fun article entitled Why Intelligent Design Is Going to Win. You might think that such a…
Mynym over at Beyond Good and Evil has a nice post about some Indian villagers who killed a local barber because they thought he was…
George Bush gave an excellent speech today about terrorism. I’m sure his detractors will accuse him of trying to change the subject from some supposed…
Is this what conservatives meant when they said "slippery slope?" I really don’t want to get into the gay marriage discussion now, but what is…
There have been many things recently in the news about the US military and torture. Maybe it shouldn’t be, but torture is a conflicting issue…
Well, I think the Southern Baptists (along w/ the Salvation Army) got it right again by refusing federal recompense for their relief work after Katrina. …