You’ve got to hand it to Christopher Hitchens for making the decision to go out of friendly territory to debate Christians on their own turf…
Andrew Norman Wilson (b1950), is an English teacher and award winning writer. His biography of Tolstoy won the Whitbread Award(now the Costa Book Awards) for…
Recently around the world, scores of people gathered together to celebrate the birthday of a man, whom they revere. The organizers called it a “global…
Today on Forum with Michael Krasney (NPR), the author of Society without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us About Contentment was interviewed.…
This post is part of a series In Part 1 of this series, I examined Pascal’s wager as a risk calculation exercise. In Part 2, I…
I just finished listening to this excellent lecture by Dr. Paul Vitz, a professor of psychology at NYU, and author of Faith of the Fatherless. …
I have been listening to more and more debates between William Lane Craig, probably one of the best living Christian apologists, and a variety of…
A recent study by Pew Research concluded that 21% of self-defined atheists in America believe in a god (6% in a personal god). That does…
David Berlinkski, interviewed in the Intelligent Design movie Expelled, wrote a book on atheism and science entitled The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.…
Boing Boing has an interesting, if short book review of God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion, a new book from Vatican…
One of the main biblical arguments for the existence of God is the amazing beauty, complexity, and integration of the created, living world. As the…
Tim Challies has a nice review of the venerable Alister McGrath‘s new book, The Dawkins Delusion? McGrath, Professor of Historical Theology at the University of…
Self-proclaimed agnostic Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, discusses interesting issues on his personal blog. In the past, he has taken on atheism,…
Richard Dawkins, militant atheist and author of The God Delusion, has begun a new campaign intended to embolden anti-religionist atheists everywhere. Taking a cue from…
Howard Storm, UC Berkeley graduate and professor of arts at Northern Kentucky University, was a long-time atheist. That is, until he nearly died and found…
I was just reading Al Mohler’s latest blog post entitled A Tale of Two Crises? America, Europe, and Secularism, and I realized that loudmouthed, unbelieving,…
Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, and Douglas Wilson, author of Letter from a Christian Citizen, seek to tackle…
From the Templeton site (HT: Prosthesis): NEW YORK, MARCH 14 – Professor Charles Taylor, a Canadian philosopher who for nearly half a century has argued that…
It’s funny how both the extreme right and left in American politics like to throw the “F” word around when describing one another. The real…
I am not a philosopher or a scientist, but a writer and thinker at best. There are many arguments that skeptics make which are challenging…
I thought this article at the Huffington Post was worth reading. I have listed his main points below. If you want to read the commentary…
One of my favorite shows, PBS’s Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, had a nice piece on the New Atheists, who seem to be getting a lot…
Sam Harris, anti-religionist atheist, published a list of ten myths about atheism – and many atheists point to these as straw men that Christians use…
The problem of evil is one of the top five, maybe even the top intellectual and practical objection to the goodness and existence of God. …