Paul the apostle chose celibacy in order to have all of his time and energy to serve spiritual ends. This is just a practical reality.…
Realizing that the completion of my Christian walk depends on God and not on my level of commitment or strength or goodness. I can screw…
Augustine wrote The Trinity over twenty years, ending with a text so enormous that it was published in parts, in rough form, and later revised…
As an intellectual himself, Augustine reflected on the mini years he looked down upon the Bible, thinking it two simple, filling in didacticism, and basically…
Augustine is well known for lamenting his years before he became a Christian. He seems overly rocked with guilt over his sexual escapades. As a…
Augustine wrote The Trinity over twenty years, ending with a text so enormous that it was published in parts, in rough form, and later revised…
Augustine lived through what became obvious was the end of the millennium-long Roman empire. It would seem hard to fathom that such a kingdom could…
This quote is probably one of Augustine’s most famous, and it expresses a deep profound truth. Nothing in this world can truly satisfy the soul,…
Augustine’s work Confessions is one of his major works, and includes not only timeless wisdom comparing this world to the kingdom that is coming, it…
1. Thagaste: The Childhood of Augustine One of the most important influences on any human being is the character and quality of their parents and…
Evangel, the evangelical blog at First Things has a nice series of posts entitled Augustine on Christians and Civil Government. Enjoy these goodies: 1. Introduction:…