The Biden admin used rosy economic KPIs that ignored real struggles—stagnant wages, high costs, and rising debt. Better metrics like RWI, COLI, and LFPR would…
I do not give Trump carte blanche in my judgements. But, like other MAGA idol worshipers, I give him much more leeway than a person…
As a Christian writer considering the use of satire, I find myself at a crossroads. On one hand, satire can be a powerful tool for…
One of the most interesting of epistemological arts is the art of debate. While we all like a good fight, we also like a fair…
We are all familiar with the Catholic rosary, but it’s anathema to many Protestants, primarily because it’s full of prayers to Mary instead of God,…
Interpreting Donald Trump’s recent successes as God’s providential favor is problematic – is he succeeding because God is judging us by giving us a destructive…
Q: how should I answer a critic who accuses me of needing a “sky daddy” when I express Christian faith? When someone accuses you of…
I am not much of a collector, but I do like to keep up on innovative and useful study Bibles. I review them online quite…
Each generation of those who grow up in the West, especially the US, experience social and technological change that shapes them. What’s interesting is not…
Intellectual atheism has it roots in the the late 1700’s, where courageous thinkers like Baron d’Holbach and Denis Diderot first began to outline their arguments…
Atheists often argue that they have no logical need to support their claims that God does not exist because “you can’t prove a negative.” They…
Iconoclast Scott Adams provides one of my favorite podcasts. He is an out of the box thinker, and recently created this list. I’ve renamed some…
A favorite atheist challenge is “what evidence do you have for the existence of God?” Summaries of the existing arguments abound, but most people don’t…
Every metaphysical system with any cogency and appeal has some points of strength, and all have weaknesses. The question is which have more strengths and…
How should we view religions other than our own? Do they contain truth at all? Or some truth? Is that truth just offered as part…
If we ignore for the moment the scientific claims for the age of the universe, and only look at scripture, especially the creation story in…
Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin.” (John 8:34) Few things annoy my atheist…
I hate to admit it, but there are plenty of times I sit in church on Sundays and don’t enjoy the sermon. It’s not always…
One of the many benefits of being active in a spiritual community, in my case an Evangelical church, is the rhythm of spiritual practices that…
Every metaphysical system with any cogency and appeal has some points of strength, and all have weaknesses. The question is which have more strengths and…
As we explore a biblical view of mankind, a significant starting place, perhaps foundation, may be found in the imago Dei (iD). The many scriptures…
In his 2011 book God On Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer, Peter Greig gives us a short outline of why God has legitimate…
The term “Christian nation” is ambiguous and asking for a useless fight. The question is not a binary “should we apply Christianity in public life…
One challenge to the life of Christian faith is trying to determine the best approach to understanding key Christian doctrines and scripture. The book of…