This post is part of a series. In Part I, we were introduced to the Wesleyan Quadrangle, a tool with which to understand the elements…
This post is part of a series. The Wesleyan Quadrangle (wikipedia) is “a methodology for theological reflection that is credited to John Wesley, leader of…
To many, serving an invisible God that only answers in subjective, non-verifiable ways, is pure superstition at best. And while I understand this line of…
Recently, I wrote a piece on various issues, and where various groups stand on them – I outlined the far left, left, right, and far…
As a former biochemist (I’m in computers now), I totally identified with Geoff Down’s story of how he became a creationist (from the book In…
William Dembski, well-known Intelligent Design spokesperson, had a very funny article the other day entitled Evolution and the Stages of Grief. I just *have* to…
In Part I, we introduced the idea of wounded masculinity, and how all men have some level of injury, and many men have significant wounds…
Most men today arrive in adulthood with injured masculinity. We are victims of bad or absent fathering, or abuse by other males. Rather than displaying…
I’ve had it with my conservative fellows who insist on tightly linking abortion with right-to-die issues. Sure they are related. NO, they are not synonymous,…
Here’s one more article from Mark Beliles, culled from an old publication, and probably expanded upon in his book Liberating the Nations: Civil government is…
The following essay on government is from an out of print Christian newspaper. I want to post this short section of the essay, since it…
Meaning, like truth, has both objective and subjective components. Over the centuries, wise men, spiritualists, and philosophers have observed the human condition and concluded that…
David Silverman, communications director of American Atheists recently mentioned in a Hannity & Colmes interview that he objects to the Easter bunny, since Easter is…
For about a year now, I have been troubled by the argument that embryonic stem cell research has been deemed morally unacceptable by my fellow…