This post is part of a series. I have previously catalogued my exodus from the bondage of Arminian Holiness to the peace of Reformed Theology,…
When we think about communicating the truths of scripture to one another, and especially to the outside world, we often focus on only one of…
This post is part of a Series. In Part 1, I discussed the phases of adult life according to Levinson, and ‘revealed’ that I am…
This article is part of a series on Molinism. Calvinism has been summarized in the acronym TULIP, while Arminianism has been summarized in The Five Articles of…
Ever since the Protestant reformation began, Christian theologians have been arguing about one of what I call The Two Great Mysteries of the Bible –…
This post is part of a Series. Everyone jokes about midlife crisis until they get there. Me, however, I’ve not joked about it since my 30’s,…
Shortly, I will be receiving a review copy of God’s Favorite Place on Earth by Frank Viola. The book released May 1st and stayed in the top # 50 on…
I’ve always been a bit of a seeker, and have re-examined and overturned many of my previous convictions as I gain more perspective. Beginning as…
Are the life and teachings of Jesus a proper focus for the development of a Christian ethic, and could such an ethic fit into the…
NOTE: This post is part of a series – I am ‘reading the classics together’ at, and blogging my way through J. Gresham…
One of the more informative podcasts I listen to regularly is Issues Etc. Recently, they interviewed Joel Heck, who’s written a very inexpensive book entitled…
With the upcoming Sesquicentennial (150 years) of the Civil War, a lot of discussion is occurring around racism in America, as well as the role…
A recent book by E. Calvin Beisner entitled Where Garden Meets Wilderness: Evangelical Entry into the Environmental Debate gave me the idea for this post…
NARTH has a nice reprint of an original article from The Catholic Standard & Times which discusses the roots of homosexuality. The author, Dr. Richard…
Many evangelicals have joined the chorus in support of reducing greenhouse emissions, but I am still on the fence about global warming. Like Bill O’Reilly,…
Leon Kass, former chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics from 2002-2005, has a nice lecture on the University Channel Podcast. He is also the author…
Was doing some reading today, and came across the word “assertoric,” which forced me to the dictionary. As it turns out, it is a word…
I am excited to have just discovered Dr. Peter Hammond, “the Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship and the Founder and Chairman of Africa Christian…
Many pundits are now using the term “angry left” to describe the liberal analog of the “angry right.” Sites like When Angry Democrats Attack are…
In response to the recent spate of in-depth pro-gay theology comments, I have been reading and researching, and came across this debate between Christian exegete…
One of the great and tragic myths of our time is the materialist view that faith hinders science, and has largely opposed it in the…
This post is part of a series. John Calvin coined the phrase Sensus Divinitatis (Sense of the Divine) to describe the innate sense and awareness of…
Here’s my list of resources for those interested in the history of religion and science, both pro and anti-religious. THEIST For the Glory of God:…
I wrote this essay back in 2001 during my period of away from Christianity, while I was exploring Vipassana Buddhist Meditation. Begin Although it has…