Bible Study Magazine and Mars Hill are giving away 20 copies of Mark Driscoll’s new book, Vintage Church. Not only that, but they are also…
Today on Forum with Michael Krasney (NPR), the author of Society without God: What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us About Contentment was interviewed.…
I just finished listening to this excellent lecture by Dr. Paul Vitz, a professor of psychology at NYU, and author of Faith of the Fatherless. …
I have been listening to more and more debates between William Lane Craig, probably one of the best living Christian apologists, and a variety of…
This past July 4, Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr. died. Helms is another conservative icon whom liberals love to hate and ridicule, not only for his…
British publisher Hillhouse has published a new textbook that should add real value to the scientific exploration of evolution and origins. Rather than being dumbed…
This post is part of a series. The Religion and the Open Society Symposium, sponsored by The Council on Foreign Relations, covered the positive impact of Protestant Christianity…
This post is part of a series. The Council on Foreign Relations recently had a great three part symposium, and I wanted to summarize some…
Here’s a list of books I have either read, purchased, or added to my Amazon wishlist on science. They are all highly rated, and interesting…
David Berlinkski, interviewed in the Intelligent Design movie Expelled, wrote a book on atheism and science entitled The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.…
As if I don’t have enough books already and won’t be getting even more as I head off to seminary later this year, Scriptorium has…
Why has divorce in Kansas City dropped by 50%? Because the leaders of Marriage Savers, Mike and Harriet McManus, have gone into over 200 cities…
Catholic scholars Robert P. George and Jean Elshtain have put together a collection of essays, from scholars from many disciplines, defending traditional marriage, entitled The…
Remember the big argument between Geraldo and O’Reilly over immigration? As it turns out, Geraldo got a book deal about it, and his review of…
This past week on the radio interview show Fresh Air with Terry Gross, evangelical-scholar-turned-agnostic Bart Erhman talked about his new book, God’s Problem: How the…
One of my favorite podcasts is the satirical news show Shire Network News, an unabashedly conservative British weekly show. This week has some very funny…
Vision Forum, one of my favorite world view and homeschool publication organizations, has published a new book entitled Passionate Housewives Desperate for God: Fresh Vision…
Mary Kassian, author and professor at Southern Baptist Seminary (they allow women to be Professors there? ;) has just published a well-received evaluation of feminism…
I was watching the Christmas special Miracles: Fact, Fictions and Faith (a Fox News special, check your local listing, it will repeat tomorrow, Christmas day), and as…
Discussions of what the bible says about Christianity and government often come up, and one book I oft refer to is Pilgrim’s Uneasy Neighbors: Church…
Boing Boing has an interesting, if short book review of God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion, a new book from Vatican…
The new book Ex-gays? discusses a very thorough longitudinal study on ex-gay therapy, and confirms that therapeutically impressive results are provided by such therapies, and…
Author Madeleine L’Engle, whose best known book A Wrinkle In Time was rejected several times before finally being published (and went on to win a…
My life has been so busy for the last few years, getting married and having kids, trying to start graduate school while working full time,…