One of the great and tragic myths of our time is the materialist view that faith hinders science, and has largely opposed it in the…
Here’s the abbreviated list from a good article from the American entitled When to Doubt a Scientific “Consensus”. You can also hear an interview with…
What is it in us that likes to poke at the monkey in the cage? Insecurity, playfulness, original sin? The monkey I love to torment…
In the latest podcast over at Reasonable Doubt, the resident atheists discuss my comment on their blog, where I suggested that there is a historical…
Even if the Charles Darwin bio-pic Creation, now in UK theaters, can’t find a distributor, PBS will be airing it’s own ode to Darwin on…
Atheist, Darwinist, and Christian websites are abuzz about the British bio pic of Charles Darwin, because it seems that the British producer is having trouble…
In my two part Atheist philosopher supports Intelligent Design as scientific, I introduced people to Dr. Bradley Monton, a well spoken atheist who supports ID,…
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus speaks to a church that is lukewarm in this manner: Revelation 3:16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and…
Creationist publisher Illustra Media is about to release the final DVD in their Intelligent Design trilogy. This last volume, Darwin’s Dilemma, shot on four continents,…
ID the Future has a nice two part interview with Dr. James Le Fanu, author of Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves.…
The Center for Science and Culture, the primary Intelligent Design think tank, has published a fantastic article cataloging the latest chaos of the phyolgenetic trees,…
Recently around the world, scores of people gathered together to celebrate the birthday of a man, whom they revere. The organizers called it a “global…
We are all aware that Thomas Jefferson was one of the more skeptical founding fathers when it came to Christianity and religion. However, many might…
British publisher Hillhouse has published a new textbook that should add real value to the scientific exploration of evolution and origins. Rather than being dumbed…
Here’s a list of books I have either read, purchased, or added to my Amazon wishlist on science. They are all highly rated, and interesting…
My wife and I saw Ben Stein’s Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed this evening, and I was pleasantly surprised. I had low expectations due to the…
David Berlinkski, interviewed in the Intelligent Design movie Expelled, wrote a book on atheism and science entitled The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.…
The RATE project from ICR has been examining the limits and data around C14 radioisotope dating methods, and one of the their last experiments seems…
Boing Boing has an interesting, if short book review of God’s Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion, a new book from Vatican…
This series contains the following posts: Darwinism Impeding Science I – Spontaneous Generation or Creation Darwinism Impeding Science II – The Appendix Darwinism Impeding Science…
Creationists have long contended that not only did humans NOT evolve from apes or chimps, but that fossils exist which severely challenge the evolutionary timeline. …
Today, I was reading Truth Matters, an out-of-print collection of some of John MacArthur’s best writings from 1969 to 2004. One interesting chapter dealt with…
Darwinists hate the common association of their pet theory with eugenics, not to mention it’s role in giving scientific validation to Nazi eugenics. But the historical connections…
The June 2007 issue of New Scientist had a really interesting article on how genetics is totally upsetting the ancestral trees (since removed) that we’ve…