The method employed in this analysis follows the Thomistic dialectic, a form of structured reasoning developed by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), a Dominican friar, philosopher,…
The Biden admin used rosy economic KPIs that ignored real struggles—stagnant wages, high costs, and rising debt. Better metrics like RWI, COLI, and LFPR would…
Jonathan Haidht has examined how we view capitalism, and how liberal and conservative views describe it. Liberal Mythos: Capitalism is Exploitation Conservative Mythos: Capitalism is…
On my way to work today (I’m at lunch), I listened to the latest Slate Political Gabfest episode, and like usual, was a little stirred…
I’m a political and religious conservative, but I like to be in conversation with the evangelical left, since they keep us on the right from…
As Christians, we have an absolute duty, if married, to obey the biblical mandate to procreate, as given to both Adam and Eve and Noah…
Another interesting conservative ‘spam’ letter that I thought I’d share. ——————————– $1,000,000,000 This is too true to be funny. The next time you hear a…
I don’t often curse, especially in print, but can I just say that the current administration’s health care and climate plans are the height of…
In the words of Iago the parrot from Aladdin, "there's a surprise! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from NOT surprise."…
It is a pervasive myth that the President is the one who kills or saves the economy, but in reality, the President can only set…
The world that fails? Government programs. Obama was not mistaken when he compared the quality of private services (FedEx) and government (Post Office) to health…
Here’s a spam email making its rounds among us neocons. These allegories are always a bit oversimplified, but they: Communicate the essence of the nonsensical…
This is a classic. If you haven't seen it, enjoy.
The CBO brings a little reality to the Hope and Dreams machine (HT: James).
Perhaps we would have been better off WITHOUT the 'recovery' plan, eh? (HT: James)
The American Thinker has published a very interesting article entitled Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis, in which the author examines what amounts…
Judging the success or failure of the stimulus spending has always been a difficult task. To evaluate it, you have to determine what would or…
The Wall Street Journal takes a look at President Obama's proposed mortgage rescue plan and finds that it could create far more problems than it…
There is a simple solution to the current political showdown in Washington over the stimulus bill – pass Obama's stimulus plan. Pres. Obama campaigned and…
This post is part of a series. The Religion and the Open Society Symposium, sponsored by The Council on Foreign Relations, covered the positive impact of Protestant Christianity…
This post is part of a series. The Council on Foreign Relations recently had a great three part symposium, and I wanted to summarize some…
Human Events recently had a nice short article showing how, after the Bush tax cuts of 2003, tax revenues went up. This is classic supply-side…
Sunday’s New York Times had a very good Op-Ed piece on black poverty called A Poverty of Mind. It cogently explained why we have largely…