In 50 Spiritually Significant Films, I mentioned the classic biography entitled Sergeant York, starring Gary Cooper. This 1941 film explores the main character’s struggle with…
Below, I share my 500 movie ratings, grouped by rating, then alpha within a group. Enjoy. If you are looking for movies to add to…
Below is my current movie queue on Blockbuster. Comments welcomed.
This neo-punk Christian(?) band The Right Brothers has some fun songs, including I’m in Love with Ann Coulter and Stop Global Whining. I’m in love…
Having seen “Children of Men” this past weekend, I found it very hard to describe the movie. David Ansen writes a review that essentially sums…
Last year, after seeing Jonny Lang on his last tour, I commented that he seemed very Christian in his comments and encore songs. His latest…
Today, thanks to Shire Network News, I found Stuck Mojo, an up and coming metal/rap band that takes up anti-Islam sentiments in a major way. …
Many Christians will be attending the upcoming inspirational film Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce and abolition in Britain. The subplot involves John Netwon,…
In their ongoing ministry of condemnation discernment, Slice is railing against Christians who recommend seeing The Nativity Story (which BTW, isn’t getting great reviews –…
My second favorite kind of sci-fi movie is the time-travel / time-paradox movie, and Denzel Washington’s latest Deja Vu is a pretty good addition to…
My wife and I both saw The Guardian tonight, starring Costner and Kutcher. I’m not much for inspirational stories, especially sports or gingoistic patriotic themes,…
Tuesday nights are date nights for my wife and I, a chance to reconnect away from the kids. We usually see a movie, and tonight,…
There is an aphorism which I agree with, which goes like this: In every criticism, even from your most hateful detractors, there is often a…
Stanley Crouch of the New York Daily News wrote a scathing commentary on MTV’s 25th Anniversary. He claims that it elevated the pimp culture to…
Shock rocker Alice Cooper is funding a $3 million youth center in Phoenix to be called The Rock. Not surprisingly, students will have a chance…
One day you are listening to the radio and you hear sermons, Bible studies and Christian music, the next day the same station is playing…
Did anyone else see the short spot on CNN Headline news yesterday on the controversial Left Behind video game? I can’t seem to pull it…
A new documentary is coming out June 28 (NY and LA only) entitled Who Killed the Electric Car? You want the answer? The oil companies…
Okay, I will stop beating a dead, or at least dying, horse. While the movie racked in over $77 million the first weekend, the film…
Yes, it is all Da Vinci Code all the time. My blog (partially) – my topics. Just kidding (partially). I thought I had sufficiently answered…
UPDATE: Special note to all drive-by Googling potential commenters at the bottom of the post. With a book that has its foundation in the art…
Many non-Christians have been confused as to the response of the Christian community to The Da Vinci Code. Some have even ridiculed Christians for discussing…
My favorite writer, Ted Dekker linked to an article entitled “Why Heathens make the best Christian Movies” on his blog last year. It raises tons…
Valley of the Wolves Iraq is the smash blockbuster that’s tapping into and spreading anti-American sentiment across the Middle East and Europe. Is it alarmingly…