Horror movie vetern Bill Moseley talked with Fangoria about his latest project. What makes me interested is the film will be an adaptation of Ted…
My wife and I had to bail on a party this weekend that I was looking forward to attending. One of her friends’ mother was…
These two ads were reportedly banned. The first one, I think is hilarious, and not sure why anyone would ban it. The second is questionable,…
Yesterday, I visited the Big Valley Gallery in Modesto, CA, and had an interesting talk w/ the salesperson. He is a 30-something art dealer and…
Christians have always used (and abused) new types of media for evangelism. Beyond such things as Chat Room Ministries and Online Evangelism Kits are teams…
Yesterday on the 700 Club, they interviewed the creator of Angel Wars, a growing set of animated movies for tweens (pre-teens). Listen to the 700…
Joe Carter at First Things has another nice movie list, 100 Most Overrated/Underrated Films. Here’s my list of great movies that most people have missed: A…
Joe at the Evangelical Outpost has a list of 99 Favorite Xian Songs. Here’s my reflections. Charlie Peacock When Christian music was bland pablum (and…
I grew up on video games and although my current work and home situation does not allow me much time to play, I still enjoy…
I was a little anxiouis about reviewing Mock ‘n’ Roll by Paul Aldrich. I have fairly high standards when it comes to comedy of any…
I admit it – I am a gamer, and currently enjoying Painkiller and Escape from Butcher Bay. But the few Christian games I’ve seen so…
Did you ever wonder what would happen if you threw Romeo and Juliet, Robin Hood, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and 24 together in a blender?…
Forgetable family fun – that would be how I would describe Tim Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I went to see the movie with…
For those of you on the left coast, the annual Christian music festival Spirit West Coast is coming July 28-30. My wife and I will…
With his new movie, War of the Worlds, coming out later this summer, Tom Cruise has been making the publicity rounds. While this isn’t new…
USA Today has an interesting story on the upcoming The Lion. The Witch and The Wardrobe film. Much of it focuses on the film’s lack…
For those unfamiliar with Jonny Lang, he is a phenomenal young blues guiatarist and vocalist. We went to see him this past week, and surprisingly,…