Previously, I outlined the major writers of the five waves of historical feminism. However, with each movement came perceived excesses and over-reaches, especially the rejection…
Feminism has developed in waves that have now been characterized. Below is a list of the some of the great female writers of each wave,…
A lot of people I know and respect have abandoned the Complementarian view for Christian Egalitarianism.1. High profile evangelicals have furthered the dialog, like Rachael…
I have a confession to make. Though I am generally a theologically conservative Christian, I do lean center/left slightly on many issues, including abortion (I…
Tammy Thomas is a winning female cyclist. Too bad she’s been winning because of steroid use. Don’t believe it? Just ask the reporter who caught…
Vision Forum, one of my favorite world view and homeschool publication organizations, has published a new book entitled Passionate Housewives Desperate for God: Fresh Vision…
Mary Kassian, author and professor at Southern Baptist Seminary (they allow women to be Professors there? ;) has just published a well-received evaluation of feminism…
Christina Hoff-Sommers’ 2001 book The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men, the second of her books criticizing radical feminism, really…
As much as conservatives want to bash Matt Dubay as a selfish, bad father, the 25 year old who refuses to pay child support for…
Feminists for Life is a non-religious organization that does not support the radical anti-motherhood, anti-human rights (a.k.a. "pro choice") stance of women’s organizations like NOW. …